Description You can use this report to generate garnishment statistics. Output The following list is printed when you start the report: Number of Persons and Garnishments>
- The list contains the following fields:
Personnel Area> Personnel Subarea> Employee Group> Employee Subgroup> Number of Persons without Garnishments>: The list also containspersons who do have garnishments, but with a status you have notselected. If you have chosen active garnishments on the selectionscreen, for example, and there are persons who only have repaidgarnishments, they are counted in this field. Number of Persons with Garnishments>: This is the number ofpersons who have garnishments with the selected status. Number of Garnishments>: This number includes garnishments thathave the selected status. The total persons and garnishments are displayed at the end of thelist.
- The Number of Persons with Garnishments> and Number of
Garnishments> fields are highlighted in the list if there aregarnishments.
- You can Choose> lines which contain garnishments to obtain
the following list:Number of Garnishments per Employee>. Number of Garnishments per Employee>
- The list shows Employees> with personnel number and name, and
the Number of garnishments> which they have.
- The total of all garnishments is displayed at the end of the list.
- You can Choose> the individual lines in the list to
obtain the Garnishments> list. Garnishments>
- The list contains the Garnishment Number>, Vendor>,
Case Number>, Status> and Priority> fields.
- The list is sorted according to the Garnishment Number> field.
You can use the Sort by Status/Priority> pushbutton to re-sortit according to the Status> and Priority> fields.