Programme SAP RPCPENCONG0 - Total Pension Contributions for the Tax Year

Pension Contributions Report (RPCPENCONG0)

This report displays the cumulated contributions of the employer and theemployee towards various pension schemes in a particular tax year.


On the SAP Easy Access screen, choose Human Resources ->Payroll -> Europe -> Great Britain ->
Subsequent activities -> Period-independent ->Lists/statistics -> Total pensions Contribution for the TaxYear.
The Total Pension Contribution for the Tax Year selection screenappears.
Choose the tax year for which you require the data in Tax yearending 5th April field.
Here, you must enter the year in which the financial year ends. Forexample, if you want to select the financial year 2006 - 2007, you mustenter 2007.
Choose Enter. The report displays Person selection periodfield. This field reflects the start date and end date of the financialyear you have entered in the Tax year ending 5thApril field.
Enter the employee selection criteria in the Selection section.
To execute the report, select Program -> Execute.
The report displays the Total Pension contributions for the Tax Year
output screen.
On the output screen, the report displays:

  • Personal numbers and the names of the employees.

  • National Insurance Number in the NiNo field.

  • Various pension schemes towards which the employer and the employee have
  • contributed in the Schemes field.
    • Employee's contribution towards each pension scheme in the EE cont.

    • field.
      • Additional Voluntary Contribution (AVC) an employee has made towards the
      • pension scheme in the AVC field.
        • Employee's total contribution towards each pension scheme in Tot. EE
        • cont. field.
          • Employer's contribution towards each pension scheme in ER Cont.
          • field.
            • Employee's contribution to pension scheme and AVC carried forward from
            • the previous year, in Prev. Tax year CFD EE + AVC Amt. field.
              • The employer's contribution to pension scheme carried forward from the
              • previous year, in Prev. Tax year CFD ER Amt. field.
                • Total contribution towards each pension scheme in Tot. Pen. Cont.
                • field.