Programme SAP RPCPDSP0PBS - Automatic Progression

You use this report to calculate employee progression automaticallybased on seniority andperformance classification data.


  • You have defined data for employee career paths in Customizing for
  • Payroll, by choosing Payroll: Portugal -> Enhancements forPublic Sector Portual -> Automatic Progression -> Define Career Paths
    • You have defined performance classfication values in Customizing for
    • Payroll, by choosing Payroll: Portugal -> Enhancements forPublic Sector Portual -> Automatic Progression -> Define PerformanceClassification Values.
      • In the Date Specifications infotype (0041), you have created and
      • assigned date types to the employee(s), which the system requires tocalculate employee seniority.
        For mor information about defining seting for calculating seniority, seeCustomizing for Payroll -> Payroll: Portugal -> Enhancements forPublic Sector Portual -> Seniority.

        The Automatic Progression report allows you to perform thefollowing tasks:

        • Define the career progression paths of all careers/categories in your
        • organization based on seniority and performance classification
          The following data allows you to determine whether an employee iseligible for progression:
          Total of scales in a category, also defining the top scale of a category(A)
          Seniority in Scale Limit, defining the minimum seniority days anemployee has to have as seniority count in scale (B)
          Number of years of performance classification values, defining thenumber of years of performance classification to consider (C)
          Reference Classification Value, defines the classification valueconsidered the minimum for the condition (D)
          Number of range years, defining the number of range years of performanceclassification to consider (E)
          Tolerance Seniority Days, defining the number of days to subtract fromcolumn B, which makes it possible to include an employee based onseniority, who does not meet the conditions (F)
          • Select employees for progression who meet the conditions defined for the
          • career progression path
            • Choose employees for progression who you consider eligible and generate
            • a list of eligible employees
              You can select employees for progression manually based on the followingoptions:
              Employee Number
              Employee Full Name
              Category (assigned to the employee in the master data on thereference date)
              Actual Scale (assigned to the employee in the master data on thereference date)
              Proposed Scale (to which the employee is going to advance ifautomatic progression is finalized)
              Eligible (indicates that the employee is eligible for automaticprogression)
              By default, all options are selected. If the Notes field contains anentry, do not select Eligible.
              Notes (indicates a reason for not selecting the employee basedon default texts)
              You can save this data and print a List of Employees Selected forProgression.
              • Project the costs of progression and generate a lost of projected costs

              • You can generate and print a projection of costs before you finalizeautomatic progression.
                • Save and load sessions

                • You can save sessions without updating the information regardingprogression in the master data. The system stores this information in atable that you view later. You can load saved sessions later, update thedata (select or reject specific employees), save the session again, orfinalize the progression process.
                  When you finalize automatic progression, the system updates theemployees' master data.
                  You can also delete a session without updating the employee's masterdata.
                  • Automatically update the master data of employees chosen for progression
                  • with the corresponding data
                    When you finalize automatic progression, the system updates thefollowing master data of eligible employees:
                    Scale - Next Scale
                    Seniority in Scale - Is reset (set to zero)
                    The system uses the reference date as the limitation date.
                    • Store employee performance classifications

                    • The master data records the performance classification of employees.
                      Once a year, you can update the employee master data with the employeeperformance classification from the previous year.
                      You need to record the following data based on the employeeclassification:
                      Year (of the performance classification)
                      This is the field that must be used to see the previous performanceclassification of an employee, that is in an automatic progression.
                      Start Date (of the classification period)
                      End Date (of the classification period)
                      Quantitative Performance Classification (you must not change thisvalue)
                      Qualitative Performance Classification (necessary for the careerprogression path)
                      Employee Supervisor (who has classified the employee)
                      Data of Performance Classification

1073524HCM PT PS: BDAP - Public Admin. Human Resources Data Base