Programme SAP RPCPDRA0 - Declaration Made by Third-Party Debtor in Accordance w/ par.301 OA

The report RPCPDRA0 creates a debt declaration from a third partyaccording to par 301 of the Order of Attachment.

The report valid up until 4.5A has been renamed. It is now calledRPCPDRA0_ALT. You can only use it to help you create a third-party debtdeclaration manually.

  • You must enter the garnishment type and number for the garnishment/
  • cession. You get a debt declaration only for a specificgarnishment/cession.
    • If you want to include an employee's net income, you must generate a
    • wage type in payroll.

      One run produces two identical forms. One is for the court and theother is for the creditor. The system takes an existing correspondenceaddress into account.
      The debt declaration contains the following information:

      • Information on the creditor - name, address, reference number/number of
      • the Attachment Order, and the amount of the claim.
        • Information on the debtor(employee) - average net income (if you set
        • the parameter 'Wage type average income') and custody rights
          • Information on previous garnishments - All active, inactive, and ended
          • garnishments are issued. The list contains the date the declaration wasserved. the name of the creditor, the type of claim, the grounds forthe claim, the court with a case reference number, the status of thegarnishment, and the amount of the still outstanding claim according tothe most current payroll results.
            • Further details - entitlement to compensation from a third party,
            • counter claims, payment in advance, creditor's or debtor's suit, andreadiness to pay according to the entries in infotype 0137, subtypeA000. This information is printed on the declaration.