Programme SAP RPCPCC00 - Cost Center Report

Use this report to:

  • View charges incurred on a cost center (or group of cost centers).

  • Facilitate cost planning in case of future expansions and to arrive at
  • average cost incurred per employee per cost center.
    • Reconcile the FI postings with the payroll results. A Payroll
    • Administrator can run the report on a periodic basis (especially duringthe year-end) to balance the FI postings with the Audit report (Canada)or the Reconciliation report (U.S.).
      • Investigate the payroll data of an employee, to determine a cause of
      • imbalance in payments. This investigation can be initiated by a costcenter manager who finds a discrepancy in the regular payments made toemployees or a specific employee.

        The following configuration is necessary for the Cost Center Managers:

        • Master data: Infotype 105 (Communications), Subtype 0001 (System User
        • Name) has to be set up so that cost center managers can accessinformation for their cost centers.
          • A new wage type application group must be created for cost center
          • managers. This is important, as the cost center managers should not beable to view certain wage components of the employees (for example,Garnishments). For more information, see the IMG documentationreferenced below:
            Payroll USA -> Reporting -> Cost Center Report ->Maintain wage type applications.
            Payroll Canada -> Reporting and Statistics -> Cost Centre Report ->Maintain wage type applications.
            Payroll Australia -> Cost Center Report ->Maintain wage type applications.
            • The Payroll Administrator must configure feature
            • 10CCM for eachcost center manager.
              • Payroll posting must have been completed before the user can view the
              • results in the Cost Center Report.

                The report has two different input screens, depending on theauthorizations set up in your system. These are the Cost CenterReport - Manager and Cost Center Report - Administrator.
                As cost center manager, you have the following options to run thereport:

                • Selection Period

                • Employee

                • Display Variant

                • Cost Center List (displays the cost centers for which you are
                • responsible)
                  As the Payroll Administrator, you have the additional options to run thereport:
                  • Company code

                  • Cost Center

                  • GL Account

                  • Wage Type Application / Wage Type

                  • You can run the report based on any of the selection options above.Company Code and the Selection Period are mandatory.
                    You can choose to run the report for a wage type application or aspecific wage type in order to investigate any imbalances for a wagecomponent.

                    You can configure the report to disable and enable certain fields in thereport output. You can store this as a display variant, which can bespecified before running the report.

                    The report displays the costs incurred for each employee, per wagecomponent, per posting period. The cost center manager can view thetotals at each level.
                    You can customize the output display in a different sort order. Thedefault sort order is:
                    Cost Center - Employee - Cost Element - Wage Component - PostingDate.
                    You can use drag and drop within the tree display to change the sortorder of the report.
                    You can choose to expand or collapse the tree output at each level.
                    You can also download the results to a worksheet format (for example,MS-Excel).
                    In addition, the Payroll Administrator can:

                    • Invoke the reconciliation/audit report by selecting the employee or the
                    • posting date on the tree display and selecting the option PayrollResults.
                      • View the time data of an employee by selecting the employee or the
                      • posting date on the tree display and selecting the option Time Datadetail.
                        • View the FI/CO postings of an employee by selecting the employee or the
                        • posting date on the tree display and selecting the option FI/COpostings.
                          • View the payroll cluster for a selected employee by selecting the
                          • employee in the tree display.

                            Cost Center Managers
                            You must enter the company code and selection period. If you enter dateswithin the same month, the Month to Date (MTD) values are displayedaccordingly. Similarly, if the period is within the same year, the Yearto date (YTD) values are also displayed.
                            Enter the cost center(s) for which you are responsible. If you enter acost center for which you are not responsible, the report simply skipsthis cost center during processing. If you are responsible for more thanone cost center, you can specify these here.
                            Enter the Wage Type Application. This indicates the wage components youwant to view. You can have variances in the WT application that enableyou to view only a certain set of wage components for the employees inyour cost center. This must be configured by the Payroll administrator.

749741CCR: Cost Centre Report doesn't display Internal Order.
975758CCR: Mgr. Overview doesn't display all cost centers.
964827CCR: Employees in multiple company codes not displayed.
949238CCR: FI auth. unnec. checked for G/L account text.
948012CCR: Authorizations w/ multi-company postings to FI-CO.
936247CCR: Manager's Overview displays incomplete information.
852385CCR: Incomplete info during background processing.
845416CCR: Employees missing from Manager's overview.
820693CCR: Cost Center Report slow for single employee run.
770148CCR: Cost Center Report not reporting all posted wage types.
660836CCR: User-exits in Cost Center Report.
714955CCR: Incorrect Selection from Cost Center List.
709295CCR: Background processing: Posting date mm/dd/yyyy.
693980CCR: Changes for Internationalization of Cost Center Report.
682612CCR: Short dump in Cost Center Report.
631102CCR: Sort criteria is not saved along with display variant
645900CCR: Enhancements to the Cost Center Report.
667975CCR: Various errors in the downloaded file.
647144CCR: Authorization Checks in the Cost Center Report.
617746CCR: RPCPCC00 error due to Org. relationships in PD.
600795CCR: CC report does not display certain cost centers
596313CCR: Actual Hours worked by employee not reported.
587363CCR: Incorrect employee selection in Manager's Overview
583512CCR: Time Data Detail does not select correct employee.
582109CCR: Accruals for Manager's Overview of CC report.
581413CCR: Time Data Detail option does not provide any output.
575076CCR: Problem executing other reports from CC report.
574729CCR: Employee selection reports all employees.
571858CCR: Cost Center Report does not execute with SA38
570293CCR: CC report lists incorrect employees for cost center
563715CCR: Cost Center Report does not select certain employees.
560999CCR: Cost Center Report reporting incorrect employees.
555868CCR: RPCPCC00 does not display Cost Center for Position.
550489CCR: Problems with Manager's Overview in CC report
551790CCR: Download to excel shows negative sign on the right.
546522CCR: CC Report picks up deleted runs also.
552828CCR: Wage component repeats for all records in report output
552307CCR: Incorrect MTD values displayed in the CC Report.
551416CCR: CC Report does not consider WT application
549233CCR: Cost Center selection error in CC report.
545916CCR: CC Report does not display a certain view.
532237CCR: Incorrect data displayed in Cost Center Report