Programme SAP RPCPBSQ9 - AGEST Interface


AGEST Interface (RPCPBSQ9)

The new AGEST Interface report (RPCPBSQ9) replaces APSSuperannuation AGEST Fund Interface report (RPCPBSQ6).
The report enables you to send Superannuation fund contributions detailsto Australian Government Employees Superannuation Trust (AGEST). You canselect the fund(s) for which you wish to generate the report.

You have run the payroll for the pay period for which you want to reportthe Superannuation fund contribution.


  • Payroll period

  • In the Payroll period section, you can select the payroll periodfor which you want the report to generate Superannuation fundcontribution details.
    • Selection

    • In the Selection section, you can select Personnel numberand Payroll area for which you want the report to generateSuperannuation fund contributions details/information.
      • Report Details

      • In the Report details section, you can select the fund(s) forwhich you want to generate the report.
        • Download options

        • In this section:
          You can specify the URL of the AGEST server in the Dataset directory
          field if you want to submit the report to AGEST.
          You can specify the directory path in the Dataset directory fieldif you want to download the report to your local workstation.
          • Upload platform

          • In this section:
            You can select Application server as the upload platform if youhave specified the URL in the Dataset directory field.
            You can select Workstation (PC) as the upload platform if youhave specified the directory path in the Dataset directory field.
            • Running mode

            • In this section, if you set the Test run indicator the reportonly displays the output. If you deselect the Test run indicator,the report generates a .txt file and saves the file output in thespecified upload/download path.
              On the output screen if you want the system to display multiple recordsmerged together, select Merge Records.

              The report output comprises:

              • List Display

              • The report displays the superannuation information in the form of an ALVgrid. The information displayed here consists of:
                Employer details
                Member details
                Current contribution information
                In case of any additional contribution, the report reads the SFCContribution value you maintain in Additional contribution table forPublic sector (T5QPBS1J). The report displays the same on the outputscreen. You can maintain this value in Customizing, by choosingAustralia Public Sector HCM -> Personnel Administration ->Superannuation -> Maintain AdditionalContribution Details.
                Employment details
                Member contact information
                If there are negative values for the following fields, the reportdisplays a warning message:
                Member contribution
                Employer contribution
                Employer addition contribution
                Salary sacrifice contribution
                If you choose the Exception report icon, the AGEST Interface
                screen appears. This screen displays list of employees for whomthere is negative Superannuation fund contribution.
                • .txt File

                • The system downloads the .txt file to the path that you specified inDownload/Upload section. The file contains the followingsections:
                  Header section
                  This section lists employer and pay period details.
                  Body section
                  This section lists employer, employee and Superannuation fundcontribution details.
                  Trailer section
                  This section lists information about the number of transactions and thetotal contribution to Superannuation funds.

                  On the SAP Easy Access screen, choose Human Resources ->Payroll -> Asia/Pacific ->Australia -> PublicSector->Subsequent Activities -> Per payroll period ->Reporting -> Superannuation -> Interfaces ->
                  AGEST Interface.
                  Enter the relevant selection criteria.
                  To run the report in a test mode, set Test run indicator.
                  To execute the report, choose Program->Execute. The reportdownloads the .txt file to the address specified under Download/Uploadsection. It also displays the results in an ALV grid format on theAGEST Interface screen.