According to COMSUPER new policy, new members of the PSS Scheme after 30June 2005 will instead join the PSS accumulation plan. The new PSSaccumulation plan will not affect employees with existing interests inthe PSS defined benefit plan or theCSS. This porgram (Payroll Interface File, PIF) will include transactions forevery employee of anagency or approved authority, who is a currentmember of either the PublicSector Superannuation (PSS) Scheme or theCommonwealth SuperannuationScheme (CSS). Data captured in this report will cover: 1. employer details 2. member details 3. contributions paid 4. supporting superannuation salary details 5. employment details, including employment status 6. member contact details. This report is based on payroll period. Payroll must have beencompleted before running this report. * Report test run mode Once this mode is chosen. Selection data will be displayed in ALV list,but data file won't be generated. |