Purpose This report creates a P45 form with details for those employees leavingthe company within the specified period. For each employee respectively, whose data the report processes, thefollowing details are entered in the Leavers Tab> of Tax DataGB> (0065) infotype:
- Indicator P45 has been issued.
- The date P45 has been issued.
- The issue date is determined by the date the report is run.
See detailed information for changes on the infotypeTax Data GB (0065) because of the Tax Reference changes here.> Note This report reads the return value of theAction types forP46(PEN) form (GPNOT) feature>. This feature determines whether theemployer pays the ex-employee a pension. If the employer does not paythe pension then the employee will be issued a P45 (1) form. If the employer pays the pension, then the :
- System assigns the appropriate leaving action (for example
,retirement>) toAction types forP46(PEN)>(GPNOT) feature
- Employee will not be processed for form P45.
In the Leavers Details> tab of Tax Data GB> (0065)infotype, the Employee to pensioner indicator will be checked. Theexisting Tax Data GB (0065) infotype will be delimited and a new BRrecord will be produced. The employer will then set up a new pensioner record for paying thepension payment and will process the pensioner using reportRPUEFO_P46PEN. The new pensioner record will have a new Tax Data GB > (0065) infotype record created with tax code source P46PEN.Integration The employee who is leaving must have correct and up-to-date payrollresults for the period in which they are leaving. You must check the configuration of the P45 cumulation wage types forP45 tax and payments with the view cluster Non-statutorysubapplications> (VC_596A_B). You must configure in the feature Termination for Death> (GMSGD)the specified default value for termination reason for death, which isused in infotype Actions> (0000). Note:See the featuredocumentation for further details>. You must set the sequence in which the subtypes are processed whenformatting addresses. To do so, use the feature Set subtype sequencefor address formatting> (ADDRS) RCLAS CP45. Note:See the featuredocumentation for further details.> You must configure in the feature Determination of employer name forlegal reporting> (GBENA) from which table you intend to read theemployer's name for statutory reporting. Note:See the featuredocumentation for further details.> If you use the SAP Script stationary output (data output only) for theP45 form, you must adapt this form to your printer. To do so, use theForm Painter (transaction /se71). You must then copy the form that isoffered by SAP (for example, HR_GB_P45_2000_D>) and modify it toyour printer.Prerequisites Features Activities On the SAP Easy Access screen, choose Human Resources> ->Payroll> -> Europe >-> Great Britain> -> Subsequent Activities> -> Period-independent> -> LeaverNotification> -> PC00_M08_CP45 - P45 Processing>. In the Selection> section, choose the relevant person selectioncriteria. The Payroll area> is a required field. The Payroll areawill be used to determine the beginning date of the tax year given inthe section Processing criteria's. >The report can be run only forsingle payroll area. The system displays the Tax district number andindicator in the corresponding fields in Processing Criteria's>section, based on the selected payroll area. In the section Processing criteria's>: Enter the Tax year> (ending April 5th). It will be used togetherwith entered Payroll area >to determine the Person selectionperiod>. The Start Date of Person Selection Period >is thebeginning date of the first payroll period for the given Payrollarea> and Tax year>. The End date of person selection period>is the current date. You can change the End date of personselection period, >but not the Start Date of Person SelectionPeriod>. The case is: only the people who left the company frombeginning of the given Tax year> until the entered End date ofperson selection period > (default: current date) and do not alreadyhave a P45 from are considered. In the field Test run, >set the indicator if you would like to runthis report in test mode. See the detaileddocumentation> In the field Repeat P45 issued, >set the indicator if you wouldlike to create the P45 form again for person who left in the givenperson selection period and already have a P45 form. You can choose thisoption only if you run this report in test modus (set indicator Testrun>). In the field Test for active employee, >set the indicator if youwould like to create theoretical P45 form for person who are stillactive in the given person selection period. You can choose this optiononly if you run this report in test modus (set indicator Test run >). In the Output option> section, you can choose between thefollowing two output options: SAPScript - >Select this option button if you want the system todisplay the P45 report data in a SAPScript output. If you specify the name as HR_GB_P45_A4>, the system prints 45Parts 1A, 2 and 3 conforming to version 4 of the HMRC Plain Paper P45specification. If you specify the name as HR_GB_P45_A4_D>, the system prints allthree Parts 1A, 2 and 3 using the official P45 A4 stationery (availablefrom April 2009) which is supplied by HMRC. See the detailed documentation> ALV Output - >Select this option to display the P45 report data inALV format.See the detailed documentation> In the field Print pages in separate lot>, set the indicator ifyou would like to print the first page of the P45 form for all theemployees selected. Once this command is complete, you will receive aninquiry from the printer parameter, where you are asked if you wouldlike to begin printing the second page of the P45 form for allemployees. Note: Before confirming, you should change the preprintedforms accordingly. In the field Print pages in separate lot>, if you do not set theindicator the entire P45 packet will be printed for a given employee.Once the packet is complete, the packet for the next employee will beprinted. In the section Tax record details>: Issue date of P45 form>: Enter the issued date of P45 form>. The system, by default, displays the current date on the selectionscreen of the report. Create the new Tax Data GB record:> - From 1 day after the pay date of the leaving period> - Selectthis checkbox if you want Tax Data GB >(0065) infotype to createa record having tax code BR >from the first day after the pay dateof the leaving period. - After the leaving date> - Select this checkbox if you wantTax Data GB> (0065) infotype to create a record having tax codeBR after the leaving date. - From the Issue date of the P45 form> - Select this checkbox ifyou want Tax Data GB> (0065) infotype to create a record havingtax code BR from the Issue date of the P45 form. Example For a monthly paid employee who is leaving on the April 28, 2009, thepay date is April 29, 2009 and the tax code is 647L>. If you select From 1 day after the pay date of the leaving period>option button, then, Tax Data GB> (0065) infotype, will have thefollowing entries: -,,06.04.2009 to 29.04.2009 tax code 647L> -,,30.04.2009 to 31.12.9999 tax code BR> If you select the After the leaving date> Option button, then,Tax Data GB> (0065) infotype will have the following entries: -,,06.04.2009 to 28.04.2009 tax code 647L> -,,29.04.2009 to 31.12.9999 tax code BR> If you select the From the Issue date of the P45 form> optionbutton and the issue date entered is the April 27, 2009, then, TaxData GB> (0065) infotype will have the following entries: -,,06.04.2009 to 26.04.2009 tax code 647L> -,,27.04.2009 to 31.12.9999 tax code BR> In the Submission Media> section: Select Generate XML> to generate the data in XML file format. Youcan submit this file to the HMRC electronically. Note - If you select Test Run>, you can only view the XML file. Youcannot submit the file to the HMRC. - If you deselect Test Run>, live submission is enabled. When yourun this report in live run the report updates the Tax Data GB>infotype (0065) with the P 45 >leaver notification details. Choose Program >--> Execute> The screen HR-GB: P45 from for Great Britain >appears
- To produce the output (SAPScript or ALV) choose 'P45'>
The information and error messages can you find under menu itemExtras:> P45 for active> - If you choose this menu item, you get the listof employees for which a theoretical P45 form was processed. (Testrun> and Test for active employee >are set) List of issued P45> - If you choose this menu item, you get thelist of employees for which a P45 form was already processed and shouldbe not created again. Only with the option Repeat P45 issued>these forms will be output by report. (Test run> and RepeatP45 issued> was set). Changes on Tax Data >- If you choose this menu item, you get theinformation about changes on Tax Data> for each processedemployee. (Only in productive modus) Warning list >- If you choose this menu item, you get the warningsand information for all processed P45 forms Error list> - If you choose this menu item, you get the errormessages for the person P45 could not be produced You can switch between SAPScript Output and ALV Output modus. Use forthis menu item Extras -> Switch display forms> Note: >You can also run this report in the background, byselecting Program -> Execute in background>. The results (createdforms) you can see under menu item System -> Own spool request>.
- Choose Display XML> to view the XML file format of the P45 form.
- Select Extras> -> XML Errors> to view the errors if any, in
the generated XML file. The system submits the file to the HMRC only ifit is error free.
- To send the XML file to the HMRC:
Choose B2A Manager> Select the file you want to send Choose Execute> Note: On the output screen, in B2A Manager>: >
- You can view the status of the report under the Status> and
Substatus> field.
- To check for any errors generated while communicating with the HMRC,
select Error log>. System generates errors due to reasons such assubmission not in correct format, or invalid characters in the file.