Programme SAP RPCP11G0 - Summary of Taxable Benefits for End-of-Year Reporting Great Britain

Same as SIMG OHAGB_P11D_004


Summary of Taxable Benefits for End-of-Year Reporting: Great Britain(RPCP11G0)

You use report RPCP11G0 to process employee taxable benefits for thefollowing forms:

  • P11D Form - P11D Expenses And Benefits (per employee)

  • P11D (b) Form - Return of Class 1A National Insurance Contributions
  • (summary of all the individual P11D Forms)
    You must run this report for all directors in your organisation. Inaddition, you must also run this report for every employee within yourorganisation who receives taxable benefits in hand (for example: companycar and beneficial loans), which exceed a certain amount.
    You must then send the P11D to the Inland Revenue as part of the basisto determine the employee's tax code for the following year. There is nolimitation for P11D production to a specific date the employee belongsto the organisation. But rather, the employee only needs to receive anytaxable benefit within a given year.
    The typical process within an organisation comprises two-steps:
    You send the P11D to the employee for cross-checking.
    Then, you send the P11D to the Inland Revenue.
    RESET N1
    The P11D(b) is a summary form for taxable benefits and the base forpayments of Class 1A employer National Insurance Contributions (NICs).
    Each of these forms has to be produced per tax reference in order tobuild the correct NICs per organisation.
    The report can be run both in online and batch mode. In order to makeprinting more convenient, the printing of each form is sent to adifferent spool request. So, if you use pre-printed stationery, you canchange the stationery between different spool prints.

    The taxable benefits from the forms are divided into four categories:

    • Car benefit and car fuel benefit data [data taken from the infotype
    • Company Car (0442)]
      • Beneficial loans (data taken from payroll results for Benefits loans)

      • Relocation expenses and benefits qualifying for relief [as defined in
      • the view cluster Maintain Wage Types for P11D Cumulation Wage Types(VC_596A_D)]
        • Other expense payments and benefits, for example, private medical
        • insurance (as defined in the view cluster VC_596A_D)

          You must have already configured P11D cumulation wage types as taxablebenefits. You perform this customising in the Payroll Great Britain
          IMG, under:
          End-of-Year Processing -> Reporting P11D Expenses and Benefits Form-> Maintain Wage Types for P11D Cumulation WageTypes(VC_596A_D).
          If you have previously maintained the respective wage types withevaluation class 11, you must convert the specifications of evaluationclass 11 to a cumulation wage type for the subapplication P11D. To doso, perform the following Payroll Great Britain IMG activity,under:
          End-of-Year Processing -> Reporting P11D Expenses and Benefits Form-> Conversion of Evaluation Class 11(Report RPUTBFG0).
          In addition, you must check table T511K and thefollowing constants:
          TXBLL - Taxable Earnings Exemption
          LEXRT - Benefit Loans Exemption
          NICLY - Class 1A Contribution Rate


          In the Selection section, enter your selection criteria.
          In the Tax criteria section:
          Select the relevant tax year in the field Tax year ending April 5th.
          By selecting the tax year and choosing Enter, the begin and enddate for the tax year is automatically inserted into the Furtherselections section. See the detailed documentation

          Choose the relevant tax reference code in the Tax referencefield.
          Tax references codes derive payroll areas for the given tax reference.When running the report in productive mode (not in Test mode),you must always enter the relevant Tax reference.
          See the detailed documentation
          You have the option to run this report in Test mode anytimethrough out the year. On the bottom of all pages of the form, themessage Generated in Test Mode appears.
          Select the Output option:
          PDF Display
          SAPScript: Print or print preview the P11D reports via SAPScriptforms. See the detailed documentation
          ALV Output: Show the data for EOY reports via the SAP List Viewer(ALV).See the detailed documentation
          Store data to TemSe files. See the detaileddocumentation
          In addition, in the External data source (via TemSe)
          section of the selection screen, you can also set in the Get datafrom external source indicator. See thedetailed documentation
          In the Summary section, select Non-Statutory P11D Form,to generate P11D summary form. This is a non- statutory form youcan use for reference. It includes the summary of all taxable benefitsthat the employee receives during a financial year. On the outputscreen, the report displays P11D Summary form in Data Mailer SAPScript format.
          In case the employee gets more than one P11D Form due to any ofthe following reasons, the system generates a combined P11D SummaryForm:
          - Employee avails the benefit of more than two cars
          - Employee takes more than two loans
          However, if the employee gets more than one P11D Form due to thetax reference change in the same year, the system generates two separateP11D Summary Forms.
          The system prints the address of the employee in P11D Summary Form
          . The system checks for the value you maintain in Set subtypesequence for address formatting feature (ADDRS). Accordingly, systemreads the information from the Addresses infotype (0006) andprints the same in P11D Summary Form.
          When you have entered all your report selection criteria, chooseExecute.
          You can also run Report RPCP11G0 in the background, by selectingProgram -> Execute in background.
          The following information is displayed each time you execute the report
          - How many persons were selected
          - How many forms were processed
          - How many forms were rejected (in this case, see the automaticallygenerated error messages).

782004Spool request title overwritten when printing legal forms
616332HR-GB: Determination of the payment date in old results
387848HR-GB: P11D form for 2000/2001 approved by Inland Revenue
361055HR-GB: P11D forms and processing for 2000/2001