Purpose This report is used to simulate the effect on the gross/net calculationof changes made to an employee's basic data. The following basic data isto be changed:
- Planned Working Time (infotype 0007)
- Social Insurance NL (infotype 0059)
- Fiscal Data NL (infotype 0060)
- Pensions NL (infotype 0110)
- Commuter traffic NL (infotype 0127)
- Company car NL (infotype 0442)
- Basic Pay, Recur. Payments/Deds., Additional Payments and Ext. Bank
Transfers (infotypes 0008, 0014, 0015 and 0011) It is also possible to exclude infotype data from the simulation run.This may be useful, for example, if using an employee's data to run asimulation for an applicant. Data from the following infotypes may beexcluded:
- Family/Contact (infotype 0021 / 0264) --> only health insurance data
- Membership Fees (infotype 0057)
- Childcare (infotype 0525)
Integration The report uses the standard payroll program RPCALCN0 >.The payroll program variant to be used can be passed on to thesimulation report by means of featureNLSIM>, therebymaking it possible to use your own customer schema and remunerationstatement. If you use the simulation tool to estimate an applicant's future netearnings, it is normally advisable to hide the personal data of theemployee used for this purpose. To hide the data, you must create ananonymous version of the remuneration statement (e.g. by leaving out thename and cumulatives). First, save the anonymous version as a variant ofreport RPCEDTN0>. Then save the variant as a variantof report RPCALCN0>. This variant is then passed on tothe simulation report by means of featureNLSIM> (behindsimulation code S). If you then select the button "New Employee (F6)"when you run the report, the payroll is run and the anonymousremuneration statement displayed.Prerequisites The person running the report must be authorized to read the infotypesof the personnel numbers he or she enters. Features Selection Start the program and enter an existing personnel number and a date orpayroll period. Then input the infotypes using button "Read PersonalData (F5)". If you enter a date, the program automatically searches forthe relevant payroll period using the payroll area of the personconcerned and the payroll calendar. You can now make the requiredchanges to the basic data and/or compensation components. You cansimulate using the buttons "Execute (F8)" for active employees or "NewEmployee (F6)" for applicants. Note:> If you change the personnel number or the payroll date orperiod, all fields are automatically cleared. Therefore, after such achange it is necessary to re-input the infotypes using button "ReadPersonal Data (F5)".Standard_variants Output The simulation report works according to the WYSIWYG principle. Thismeans that the report does not take into account any infotype splits. Ifon 15 February an employee's wage is increased from EUR 2000 to EUR 2200(two infotype basic pay (0008) records), then the payroll date entereddetermines which amount is displayed:
- If you enter 14 February as payroll date, the report reads EUR 2000 and
this amount is displayed on screen. If you run a simulation (withoutchanging the amount) then EUR 2000 will be printed on the remunerationstatement, as if this amount is applicable to the whole payroll period.
- If you enter 16 February as payroll date, the report reads EUR 2200 and
this amount is displayed on screen. If you run a simulation (withoutchanging the amount) then EUR 2200 will be printed on the remunerationstatement, again as if this amount is applicable to the whole payrollperiod. The report independently simulates other values for infotype "PayrollStatus" (0003). In real terms, this means that retroactive accountingand locks are switched off, making it possible to run a simulation for aperson whose data is locked. The report does NOT> write any data to infotypes! It is purely asimulation tool. If the report is used for testing purposes during implementation ormaintenance, the payroll log can be displayed by means of "Payroll logon/off (Shift F6)".Activities Before you can use the report, you must create variants ofRPCALCN0> to simulate the payroll for employees andapplicants. You may want to create a different version of theremuneration statement for the latter. You should use featureNLSIM> to definewhen to use which variant of RPCALCN0> for which groupof employees. User parameters RPCNETN0_LOG> are used to set and DISPLAYRPCNETN0> are used to set personal standards to specifiy if the log isdisplayed and how the wage data will be displayed.