Programme SAP RPCLSTTE - Trip Details


Display Cluster TE
With this report you can display the contents of the entire
cluster TE for each employee.
Via the parameter Overview of trips it is possible to either:

  • display an overview (active parameter)

  • display the PCL1 file for one or more employees (inactive parameter)

  • 'Overview of trips' parameter active
    According to the selection criteria, the report produces a list of alltrips sorted in ascending numerical order by personnel numbers.
    A trip can be selected from this list. The report branches to anotherselection screen in which individual tables can be selected fordisplay.
    'Overview of trips' parameter not active
    The report produces a list of all tables of all trips according to theselection criteria.

    Access to archived data
    In order to read data which has been written to an archive by archive
    management (transaction SARA), the option "Read from archive" must be
    set. The archiving object is called "PA_TRAVEL".
    If this option is active, a specific archive can be chosen bythe user - in this case "Archive choice by user" must be checked. Ifthe archive is unknown, a period must be chosen in which the tripbelongs. Then, all archives which contain data for this period aresearched. Since accessing archived data takes a long time, is advisableto choose the shortest period possible.
    The archives must be stored in a manner that guarantees direct access;as a rule they are kept on the hard disk of the file system.

955629GDPdU: Role SAP_AUDITOR_TAX_FITV created incl accesses