Programme SAP RPCLSTTC - Overview of Existing Credit Card Documents (Document Buffer)

Display clusters TC on the PCL1
With this report you can display the contents of the whole cluster TCon the PCL1 (the credit card document buffer) for each employee.
Using the parameter Overview of personnel numbers you have theoption to first obtain an overview of the existing cluster files on
cluster TC of PCL1. This overview is represented in a table controlwhich makes it possible to select several specific lines (personnel
numbers). The cluster content for these personnel numbers can be
displayed by clicking the Choose button.
If the Overview of personnel numbers check box is not activated,the contents of cluster TC is displayed immediately for the selected
personnel numbers.
Cluster TC of the PCL1 contains the following per employee:
  • The accounting number and credit card company of the last imported

  • accounting run for this personnel number.
    • Table CCBEL:

    • In this table, all credit card transactions which are not yet assigned
      to trips are stored for a personnel number.
      • Table INBEL:

      • This table is a ring memory, size 2000, and contains an employee's last
        2000 credit card transactions which have been assigned to trips along
        with the respective trip number and transaction number.
        • Table TRANS:

        • The table TRANS serves as temporary storage for the import report
          RPRCCC00 in order to guarantee a restart of the import report after
          a system crash or in similar situations.
          As a rule, this table does not contain any entries unless you call
          the cluster display during data import or, for example, the last
          import of a credit card file was interrupted and not correctly