Description You can use this report to display the current content of the B1 clusterfor each employee. Use There are two levels of list display available, which you can use to setthe level of detail of the data displayed when you first access it: List of personnel numbers>
- Initially, an overview of the selected personnel numbers is displayed.
- You can choose Choose> to go to an overview of the tables in the
B2 cluster containing information about the number of entries created.The tables filled are also highlighted in color. You have the followingoptions: If you place the cursor on a table and choose Choose>, you candisplay detailed information about the table entries. If you choose All Tables>, you can display a list of all entriesin all tables. This function is useful if you want to print the list toanalyze errors in more detail. Detailed description of all table entries> This option corresponds to the All Tables> function that you canaccess from the list of personnel numbers. The system displays theentries in the individual tables for all selected employees.Note For more information about the tables in the B1 cluster, see the SAPLibrary and choose PT Personnel Time Management -> Time Evaluation-> Appendix -> Clusters -> Cluster B1>.