Title Personal Absence Calendar for SSP/SMP/SAP/SPP (RPCLPCG0) Purpose You use this report to display the personal absence calendars ofselected employees for statutory absences. Report RPCLPCG0 displays thecalendars employee by employee. Integration Report RPCLPCG0 is one of the Payroll Great Britain absence reportingtools you can use to manage your absence processing. To view documentation on the other PY-GB absence reporting tools, clickon the links under See also>, below.Features Output You can produce three different views of an employee's personal absencecalendar using this report:
- ,,Weekly display: Calendar format
- ,,Monthly display: Summarised overview of information
- ,,Yearly display: Detailed infomation for each day's entry in the
personal calendar You can switch between these three different views, as well as betweenselected employees, using the pushbuttons provided in each view. Note>: If you have migrated to SxP Phase II, you can also display projectedstatutory entries before they are generated by the payroll driver andstored on the PC cluster.Activities Choose your selection criteria in the Selection >group box. In the Display options >group box: Set the Display List Screen?> indicator if you wish to displayyour selected employees in a list output. From this list, you can then display employees' personal absencecalendars. If you do not set this indicator, when you execute report RPCLPCG0, thecalendar of the first employee you have selected will be displayed. Youcan then navigate to other employees' data using the pushbuttonsprovided. Select your preferred calendar display option, using the radio buttonsprovided. Execute Report RPCLPCG0.Result Using the output of Report RPCLPCG0, you can view the personal absencecalendars of your selected employees. This information is based upondata held in the tables NCALE and COVER. See also: Absence Costs> Absence Spells Analysis (Bradford Factor)> Absence Pattern Analysis> Absence Data Overview> SxP Exclusions> SxP/OxP Payment Sheet> SxP/OxP Entitlements Left> SxP/OxP Entitlement History> SxP/OxP Entitlement Band Changes> SxP/OxP Scheme Overview>