Programme SAP RPCLPCB0 - Display personal calendar (illness and accidents)


Display Cluster PC (Personal Calendar - B)
This report is used to view the contents of cluster PC for eachemployee for each year. The program displays the country-specific partof the calendar (own internal table for national features).
By selecting the parameter 'Display cluster PC' the output can becontrolled.
You can either display the cluster PC directly, i.e. according to theselection criteria entered, or using a selection list. This list isprimarily intended for interactive use and contains the records ofdatabase PCL1 which correspond to the criteria you have specified.
You can effect a detailed selection by choosing 'Display mode'.
The personal absence calendar can be displayed in three modes:

  • Output without further formatting of the year selected

    • Output sorted by month

    • The personal absence calendar is formatted as table using one line foreach month.
      • Output sorted by week

      • The personal absence calendar is formatted as table. For each month,weeks (Monday through Sunday) are displayed separately.
        The table is formatted in such a way that two months are displayed sideby side.

        Important Note
        In certain cases more than one absence type may exist for a given day,e.g. when single hours are deducted from quotas.
        If a specific display mode has been chosen, please note that theprogram will display data on a day basis. You can select days byentering '??'.

        Select Option SELPERNR
        Personnel number

        With this option you can specify the employees you want to select.

        Select-Option SELYEARS

        The year entered corresponds to the year for which a personal calenderexists.

        Parameter DISPLAY CLUSTER PC
        SPACE => Data in cluster PC for the selected
        persons and years is displayed.
        otherwise => A summary overview of the selected
        persons and years is displayed.
        By using the select function you
        can specify data of cluster PC
        and view it directly.

        Parameter DISPLAY MODE
        Way in which the program displays data.

        This parameter is used to specify the way in which the data in clusterPC (personal calendar) is to be displayed.

        The options are:
        J Output without further formatting
        of the year selected.
        M Months table
        Output of the personal absence calendar
        as table with one line for each month.
        W Weeks table
        Output of the personal absence calendar
        as table in which for each month, weeks
        Monday through Sunday) are displayed separately.
        The table is formatted in such a way that
        two months are displayed side by side.