Purpose This program calculates the net present value (current value) of acompany loan. In many countries, company loans with a lower rate of interest must bebalanced in the financial statement with the current value. Companyloans have a lower rate of interest if the debit interest rate, whichthe employee has to pay for the loan, is lower than the referenceinterest rate determined by law. The present value of a loan drops asruntime increases. To determine the present value, the outstanding company claims arediscounted for the employee. For this, the repayments still outstandingand the interest payments are multiplied with adiscount factor>. Thesystem calculates the discount factor from the discount record that youenter in the selection screen. The discount record serves as thecalculation interest rate for determining the present value. The system calculates the discount factor using the following formula: (1 + i/100) ^ -t > i = discount record in percent t = number of years in which an amount will be paid ^ = to the power ofPrerequisites The present value can only be determined for loans that have alreadybeen paid out and for which payroll has been run. Features Selection To display the repayment plan for each loan selected, choose Printrepayment plan with discount>. To display existing loans for selected personnel numbers, chooseList of loans per Perno>. Additionally, if you enter a certainloan type in the Loan type> field, the list of existing loansonly contains loans of this loan type.Output The Receipt> column contains the balance of the loan at the timewhen you first calculated the present value. The Afa> column contains the difference between the issue amountand the present value. The Book value> column contains the calculated present value.Example You paid an employee with personnel number 11220002 an interest-freeloan of loan type 0100 of EUR 10000 on June 1 2001. The repayments wereset to a monthly sum of EUR 500 and begin on August 1 2001. Frommonthly payroll periods EUR 2500 should be repaid by payroll period12/2001. You determine the present value on 31st December 2001. On 31st December2001, the balance of the loan is EUR 7500. You enter 6% as the discountfactor. Select the fields Print repayment plan with discount> andList of loans per perno>. The following is output: Calculate Present Value for Company Loans> Personnel number 11220002 Loan type 0100 Object Id 01 Year,,Per,,Balance end,,Rpymnt,,Interest,,Disc.,,PrsV. Repy+Int 2002,,01,,7.000,00,,500,00,,0,00,,0,9952,,497,58 2002,,02,,6.500,00,,500,00,,0,00,,0,9903,,495,17 2002,,03,,6.000,00,,500,00,,0,00,,0,9855,,492,77 2002,,04,,5.500,00,,500,00,,0,00,,0,9808,,490,38 2002,,05,,5.000,00,,500,00,,0,00,,0,9760,,488,01 2002,,06,,4.500,00,,500,00,,0,00,,0,9713,,485,64 2002,,07,,4.000,00,,500,00,,0,00,,0,9666,,483,29 2002,,08,,3.500,00,,500,00,,0,00,,0,9619,,480,95 2002,,09,,3.000,00,,500,00,,0,00,,0,9572,,478,62 2002,,10,,2.500,00,,500,00,,0,00,,0,9526,,476,30 2002,,11,,2.000,00,,500,00,,0,00,,0,9480,,473,99 2002,,12,,1.500,00,,500,00,,0,00,,0,9434,,471,70 2003,,01,,1.000,00,,500,00,,0,00,,0,9388,,469,41 2003,,02,,500,00,,500,00,,0,00,,0,9343,,467,14 2003,,03,,0,00,,500,00,,0,00,,0,9298,,464,88 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Perno,,Loan,,Issue amount,,Afa,,Book value 11220002,,0100 01,,7.500,00,,284,17,,7.215,83 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ LWT,,Issue amount,,Afa,,Book value 0100,,7.500,00,,284,17,,7.215,83 ****,,7.500,00,,284,17,,7.215,83 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Statistics> Total of open loans after last payroll run: 7.500,00 Number of personnel numbers selected: 1 Number of selected personnel numbers with loans: 1 Number of selected loans: 1 |