General description Wage type distribution is used for displaying lists of wage types formore than one payroll period without taking retroactive accountingdifferences into account. The evaluation indicates the (number andamount) values currently assigned to the wage types. Payroll recordswith status indicator 'A', available at the time of the evaluation run,are used for this, which means that later evaluation runs will producedifferent results if retroactive accounting has been performed for theevaluation period in the meantime. Wage type distribution uses theresults table (RT) data for the relevant payroll result. The employee'sorganizational assignment is also evaluated using the payroll result.The system accesses the work center data (table WPBP) for this purpose. Wage type distribution can be evaluated in the following two ways: - Individual evaluation per personnel number or name - Total evaluation without displaying personnel numbers and names For a description of the evaluation types, please refer to the notes onthe parameter "Evaluation type" below. The evaluation can be sorted by organizational assignment or employeename (see "Sort sequence" pushbutton). Evaluation is limited to one country. Personnel numbers assigned to adifferent country are listed afterwards in the error log. Selection criteria and parameters The parameters comprise those for the database and the specificparameters for controlling wage type distribution. You may use alldatabase parameters except for "Sort: Field names". This parameter isreplaced in wage type distribution by the "Sort sequence" pushbutton.At this point we assume that you are already acquainted with the use ofdatabase parameters. Parameter "Wage type to be evaluated" In this field, enter all wage types for which you want to carry out anevaluation. If you do not specify a wage type, the system selects themall. Please note that it is only possible to select wage types whichare listed in table RT. Parameter "Start of evaluation" The start date and end date of the evaluation determine the evaluationperiod. Please specify the year and payroll period for the start of theevaluation. Parameter "End of evaluation" This parameter enables you to delimit the evaluation period. If youleave the parameter BLANK, only the period specified in the parameter"Start of evaluation" is evaluated. "Sort sequence" pushbutton This parameter determines the data output sequence. You can controldata output by means of the following sort criteria: - Company code - Personnel area - Personnel subarea - Cost center - Employee group - Employee subgroup - Organizational unit The values for the sort criteria are taken from the work center datafor the payroll results (table WPBP). When sorting and evaluation is done per cost center, it is theemployee's most recent work center data (table WPBP) that is relevantfor assigning the employee wage types. There is no evaluation accordingto cost accounting, i.e. the report ignores cost distribution and costassignment and only reads the employee's most recent master cost centerfor the evaluation period. Parameter "Sort names" When an individual evaluation is performed, the employee names areprinted out, sorted in ascending order by personnel number. If you seta flag for this parameter, output is sorted by last name. Parameter "Evaluation type" There are two possible evaluation types: - Individual evaluation - Total evaluation An individual evaluation prints the number and amount for each wagetype and for each employee. A total evaluation only prints out theselected wage types for all personnel numbers specified. Totalevaluation is, therefore, a summarized form of individual evaluationwhich does not involve printing out personnel numbers and names. Parameter "Formation of totals" This parameter can be used to modify standard output after changing thesort criteria. The following options are possible: - Total per sort group - Total after a change of wage type - Total after a change of personnel number - New page per wage type You can enter a cross to activate the totals lines or to trigger a pagebreak each time the wage type changes. Error messages and troubleshooting If you find values in the evaluation which may be incorrect, pleasecheck your payroll results first of all, looking for a personnel numberand wage type where the incorrect result occurs. In the payrollresults, check the amount assigned to the wage type in results tableRT, and check if there is a split in the work center data (table WPBP). The following messages should be of help in locating and solvingerrors: Message: Evaluation type: "S" or "E" only The only evaluation types possible are 'S' for a total evaluation and'E' for an individual evaluation. Message: Sort criteria incorrect or duplicated You have either assigned the same priority to two sort criteria orspecified an undefined sort criterion. Please change the value enteredfor the parameter "Sort sequence". Message: "Sort: Field names" parameter not supported You have attempted to use the database parameter "Sort: Field names".Wage type distribution uses the parameter "Sort sequence" instead.Please use the latter. Message: Period modifiers are different You cannot perform evaluations for more than one country in wage typedistribution. Please select payroll areas from one country perevaluation. Technical notes Programs and INCLUDEs Wage type distribution uses the following programs or INCLUDEs: - RPCLGV00 Start wage type distribution, selection screen - RPCLGA10 Read routines - RPCLGA20 Output routines - RPCLGA30 Main routines - RPCLGAx0 Read program for database PCL2 (payroll cluster) The read program for database PCL2 varies for each country version.Program RPCLGAU0 is used for the USA, RPCLGAD0 for Germany and so on. Wage type distribution writes the read payroll results (tables RT andWPBP) to a sequential dataset. This is saved as an extract. The storagerequirement can be deduced from the following formula: Storage in bytes = Number of personnel numbers * Number of wage types * Number of read payroll results * Record length (approx. 100 bytes) Example: Wage type distribution is started for 3000 employees for 3periods. Around 500 wage types per employee are accumulated. Theresulting storage requirement for the extract is approximately 450megabytes (3000 * 500 * 3 * 100). If you have problems with storage capacity, extend the roll area in theprofile. |