Purpose This report is used to create new wage returns. First, it reads therelevant payroll results in the payroll cluster. Then the data is copiedto the various tables. Parallel to this the system creates an entry inthe B2A Manager>. If the tax authority sends a response message with confirmation ofreceipt after the wage return has been sent, the Data Extractor>tries to create a wage return for the next period and automaticallyclose the wage return that has not yet been closed.Integration Run report Wage Return: B2A Manager> (RPCLAZN0>)to continue the wage return process.Selection
- Select at least one legal person. The available legal persons are read
in table Personnel Areas/Subareas> (T001P>). You can run thereport even if no values exist. The legal persons must be assigned tothe same PerMos (period modifiers) and have the same current returnperiod number (The start and end date of the different return periods,however, do not have to be the same.). Finally, you can only run thereport if you have the right authorizations for the legal persons inquestion (authorization object P_NL_LA06> with ACTVT equal to"01"). If you do not want to create a current wage return for a LEPER, you canuse the feature Wage Return: Last Tax Return Period> ( NLLA4>). You canset that only loose corrections> are created forprevious periods.
- In fields In-Period> and In-Period Year> enter the return
period for which you wish to create the wage return. If blank, thesystem proposes the current return period of the first legal person bydefault. If you wish to write the data to the database, the selectedreturn period must be equal to the current return period of all legalpersons. No other entries are allowed for this return in the wage returntables and in the B2A Manager>, with the exception of entries withstatus "Error" (09) or "Error - Reprocess - Error in Report Data". Intest mode you can run the report for other periods. Note!> You cannot run the report if the above-mentioned fields contain invalidentries.
- Select Test Run> to run the report in test mode without updating
the database.
- Select Only Process Errors> to reprocess only incorrect personnel
numbers, in which case the system reads the corresponding personnelnumbers. If you do not select this field the system recalculates allpersonnel numbers. The system does not calculate newly added personnelnumbers.
- Select Changed Entries> to display newly added or changed entries
sorted by database in addition to errors, warnings and statistical data.If it concerns a large number of personnel numbers, the data may takesome time to display.
- Select Save IRs Early> to write the income relationship data to
the database straight after the calculation instead of after running theData Extractor>