Purpose This report is used to generate an XML file for one or more legalpersons based on the data you have collected with the wage returnreports. Integration Wage return reports were integrated with the following components forcommunication with the tax authority and saving files to be sent:
- B2A Manager
- TemSe directory
- The required wage returns exist in the system and you have maintained
the necessary employer data. For this purpose you need to have run thefollowing reports: Wage Return: Changing Collective ER Data> Wage Return: Collect Data (Extractor)>
- You have also defined the necessary settings for integration with the
B2A Manager>.
- You must have the necessary authorizations for legal persons assigned to
the wage return in question (authorization object P_NL_LA06> withparameters JUPER and ACTVT equal to "01").Selection
- Legal Person
Select the required legal person or persons. Finally, you can only runthe report if you have the right authorizations for the legal persons inquestion (authorization object P_NL_LA06> with ACTVT equal to"01"). The F4 Help only gives those legal persons who meet theseconditions.
- Test Mode
The report is run in test mode by default (recommended). This means thatthe status tables are not updated and that no file is written to theTemSe. However, if you deselect this field the status tables are updated from"New" to "To Be Sent", with interim status "Busy Creating XML File", fornewly created entries.
- Detail Level Report
The report can be displayed at various detail levels.
- Local Download
Normally the file is written to the TemSe, but you can choose to writethe file to your PC at the same time. This option is only available intest mode.
- Path for Local Download
Specify the path for writing the file to your local PC. For this purposeyou need to have selected Local Download>.Output The file is written to the specified path. Parallel to this the systemcreates an online report that describes the creation process in the formof detail messages. If the XML file has been created without errors, you can close thereport. If not, run through the error report, correct the errors andrerun the report.