Purpose This report processes response messages. Response messages aredispatched by the tax authority after:
- A wage return has been received ("Confirmation" type);
- The tax authority has validated the wage return and found errors
("Error" type);
- The tax authority has found nominative and collective returns to be
inconsistent ("Warning" type);
- The tax authority has found nominative returns to contain errors that
can still be adjusted before the return deadline ("Notification ofIncorrect Nominative Return" type (abbreviated in Dutch to MFNA));
- The tax authority has found errors in the return that can no longer be
reported with an "MFNA", or that are still open after the returndeadline ("Adjustment Obligation" type).Integration You can start this report from the B2A Manager, the menu, orperiodically from a script to process all downloaded response messages. Prerequisites The following conditions must be met to successfully process a responsemessage:
- You must have read and write authorization for the wage return of the
LePer to which the response message relates. This is checked withauthorization object P_NL_LA06>, with ACTVT = 01
- The response message must be downloaded from the tax authority FTP
server> to the local PC or to the application server
- The wage return to which the response message belongs must have status
- This must be the first time the response message is processed
Selection In the selection screen, you can select for which LePers > >response messages should be processed. You can only process responsemessages for LePers for whom you have reading rights. With the option Process from client pc>>, you can specifythat response messages have been saved on the client PC and should beprocessed from there. If you do not want to use this option, allmessages will be processed that have been downloaded to the location onthe application server and that is specified in HR_NL_LAA_IN(transaction FILE). The field Responsemessage >>can be used to indicate whichresponse message on the PC the report should use. If you wish, you can use the option Test Mode.>> Select thisfield if you want to execute the report in test mode. In this case thedata will not be written to the database.Output When the response message has been successfully processed, the data iswritten to the database. Successfully processed response messages aretransferred from file location HR_NL_LAA_IN to HR_NL_LAA_DONE (bothspecified in transaction FILE) if the response messages have been readfrom the application server.