Purpose Use Wage Return: Display Data (TemSe Download)> (RPCLADN1) todownload the payroll taxes return data to your hard drive. There theywill be displayed in Microsoft Excel, each table in a separate tab.Prerequisites You have already executed report Wage Return: Display Data (Viewer) > (RPCLALN1>) and saved the results in the TemSefile.Selection F4-help is available for displaying the available TemSe files. Recentlysaved data can be downloaded and displayed in Microsoft Excel. Standard_variants The following download options are available:
- Download large TemSe Object> : by choosing this option, you can
download the data of the TemSe object into a file. Mark this button incase of large quantities of data. It will result in different Excelfiles for one (or more) Wage Return(s). The process of downloading willnot be visible. After downloading, you have to search in the pathspecified on the selection screen in case you want to open the Excelfile. Note, that this option will result in less use of the main memoryas the option for small TemSe objects. It is therefore more suitable forlarge TemSe objects. Which option (small or large) you should use inwhat situation, depends of the size of the main memory and theavailabillity of it at the time of running.
- Download small TemSe Object>: By choosing this option, you can
download the data of the TemSe object directly into Excel. If the TemSefile is very large, for performance reasons it is advisable to downloadit in parts. Note, that this option will result in strong use of themain memory and therefore is only suitable for small TemSe objects.Which option (small or large) you should use in what situation, dependsof the size of the main memory and the availabillity of it at the timeof running. You also have the following TemSe options:
- Download TemSe object:> Use this option to download the TemSe
- Remove TemSe object:> Use this option to remove the TemSe object.
It will not be downloaded.