Title Employee annual employment tax statement Purpose This report allows you to generate the annual employment tax statementfor the employee. Description An annual employment tax statement must be made for each employee whohas received income in a particular year. In the event that the employeefalls under more than one legal person, a statement must be made for eac h legal person. The starting point for this is the Payroll Taxes 2006. If the employee is indicated in more than one legal person (LEPER), astatement must be created for each LEPER. Features Employee addresses The report RPCJWNN1 executes the feature ADDRS> (Determinesubtype for the address layout) for the determination of employeeaddresses. If you make no changes to the feature, the 'annual employment taxstatement for the employee' will always take the current residentialaddress. The current residential address is entered in infotypeAddress> (0006)in the subtype 1> (Current residentialaddress) By adjusting feature ADDRS> you can enter a different address forthe employee's annual employment tax statement. For example, theemployee's workplace. For this purpose, this address must be entered inthe Address field, for example subtype x> (x = WorkplaceAddress). In the feature Determine Sequence subtypes for address layout (ADDRS),you must enter 'CJWN' into the variable argument Class of requestingreport (RCLAS) for the employee's annual employment tax statement Report(RPCJWNN1). By means of various fields from infotype 0001 organizationaldata, variable determination is possible. More information can be found in IMG step: Payroll Netherlands --> Forms --> General Settings for Forms --> AddressSettings --> Change infotype 'Addresses' (0006).Output For the output of the data, use the Annual Employment Tax Statement Formfor the employee as has been determined by the tax office in the Payroll Tax Handbook (January 2007). This form can be adjusted and changed. For this, see IMG step Form for Checking Employee'sAnnual Employment Tax Statement>. In addition to the SAP script form, you can also use a PDF form. In the report, the messages are divided as follows:
- General messages
- Messages based on personnel number and statistics. These statistics show
how many personnel numbers have been selected, successfully processed orrejected. The number of selected persons are those persons who areselected from the PNP database according to the criteria on theselection screen. If no criteria have been entered and several countrieshave been recorded in the same Personnel Administration, then allemployees are counted, irrespective of whether they are included in theNetherlands payroll. The number of processed persons are those personsfor whom an annual employment tax statement is generated. The number ofrejected persons are those persons who are included in the Netherlandspayroll for whom no annual employment tax statement is generated becausethere is no wage tax return data, because the relevant person is not l inked to a legal person (Leper) via infotype 0001, or because a certainerror has occurred. ,,The number of selected persons is therefore equal to the total of: ,,the number of processed persons, ,,the number of rejected persons, and ,,the number of persons not included in the Netherlands payroll.Selection Besides the normal PNP selection options, the year of the statement isalso used. This indicates the year for which an annual statement has tobe generated. Selection by legal person can be used. However, if a person has beenassigned to more than one legal person, applying the selection canproduce 'too few' annual statements. The form (SAPscript or PDF) which is to be used can be entered atLogical Form Name. In principle, the standard form is sufficient.However there are situations in which a different form is issued duringthe year than at the end of the year. For more information, see the IMG stepChoice of Formfor Employee Annual Employment Tax Statement>.Notes The amounts shown on the Employee's Annual Employment Tax Statement Formoriginate from the amounts listed in the Wage return. Please keep inmind the fact that the last successfully completed wage return is usedfor determining the amounts on the wage return.