Description This report is used to create the annual statement for employees. For each employee with an income, an annual statement must be submittedfor the year concerned. If an employee belongs to more than one legalperson, one statement must be created for each legal person. A legalperson may cover more than one personnel area and is assigned to arepresenting legal person (REPER), on the basis of which you manage therelationships between your internal organization and the externalauthorities. A REPER is defined based on unambiguous employeeassignments, i.e. the data entered for each employee in the fields LEPER(legal person), BTRTL (personnel subarea), PERSG (personnel group) andPERSK (employee group) of infotype Organizational Assignment> ( 0001>). Therefore, to select certain legal persons for reporting you must enterthe representing legal persons.Features Employee addresses Report RPCJWNN0 executes the feature ADDRS> (subtype sequence foraddress structure) to determine employee addresses. If you do not make any changes to the feature, the current address isused for "Employee Annual Statement". The current address is filledin infotype Address> (0006) in subtype 1> (Current Address). By changing the feature ADDRS> you can enter another address forthe annual statement of the employee, for example, the address of theemployee's place of employment. This address must, however, be enteredin the field Address, for example, subtype x> (x = Address ofPlace of Employment). In the feature ADDRS> you can select the required subtype usingvariable key CJWN> (for report RPCJWNN0). If, for example, youchoose subtype Address of Place of Employment>, the address of theemployee's place of employment is displayed on the employee's annualstatement. For further information, please refer to the IMG step Change Infotype Addresses (0006)>.Output The form defined by the Ministry of Finance in their "modellenboek"(book of form layouts), dated July 2003, is used for data output. This form can, however, be changed and modified. Please refer to the IMG step Check Form for AnnualStatement Employee> in the payroll IMG. Please refer to IMG step Check Form for AnnualStatement of Employee> in the Payroll IMG.Notes
- Specification of wage types used and amounts displayed on the form:
Field Wage> (column 14 on the payroll account) rounded down to thenearest euro: /402 Field Wage Tax Deducted> (column 15 on the payroll account),rounded up to the nearest euro: /426 Field Cumulative Employment Rebate> (column cumulative employmentrebate on the payroll account) rounded down to the nearest euro: /41A Field Health Insurance Contributions>, rounded up to the nearesteuro: /378 + /379 + /399 + /3VD + /3VE + /3VT + /3VW+ /3WQ + /3WR + /3WS +/3WT The wage type belonging to a special indicator is stored in the table"Special Indicator Codes (Tax Authority)" (T5N2S). Wage types /3VD, /3VE, /3VT, /3VW, /3WQ, /3WR, /3WS and /3WT are addedtogether for special indicator 64 (EE and ER compulsory HIcontribution). This special indicator is an exception and is rounded upinstead of down.
- Run the report and you will get the forms per person. If you go back one
step a list of all notifications is displayed. Click on the relevantbutton to get the totals per representing legal person (REPER). Anoverview will be displayed for: REPER | Total Wage | Total HI Contribution | Total Comm. Allowance
- An overview will also be displayed for the number of employees per legal
person and for the number of notifications (forms) created per legalperson. If an employee changes legal persons during the year concerned(e.g. because of an organizational change), the employee is assigned toboth legal persons for the annual statement. REPER | LEPER | Employees | Notifications