Description This reports assists you in creating the ecomomic statistics for theAustrian Federal Office on Statistics. The Office, in turn, uses thesefigures to fulfill the mandatory notification set out by the EuropeanUnion. The report rounds all calculated amounts to the nearest whole number. Preconditions You must have met the following prerequistes before you can create theeconomic statistic for a particular month: In Customizing for Personal Administration> underOrganizational Data> -> Organizational Assignment> you haveperformed the step Additional Organizational Assignment Austria>.You have stored the following data:
- Data for your personnel subareas.
- Data for your employer assignment units>.
Classification of employees For the stastical classification of the employee, the system reads theeducational level and the employment status from the view EmployeeGroup/Employee Subgroup> (V_T503) under the personnel countrygrouping 03> for the employee group 1> (active). Training status ,,Employment status,,Classification 1,, 1,,Industrial apprentice 1,, 2,,Office apprentice 2,, 1,,Industrial/worker 2,, 2,,Salaried employeeEmployee activities The system evaluates the field Employment status> in order toensure that an employee is active in the company at the end of thereporting period. This field is in the report selection screen. Onlythose employees with a value not equal to 0> in the fieldEmployment> in Actions> infotype (0000) for thecorresponding date are selected.Inactive employment relationship The system recognizes employees with an inactive employmentrelationship in the following cases:
- A value other than 0> is registered in the field Employment
> in Actions> infotype (0000) for the employee.
- Absence types are registered in the field Inactive employment
relationship> in the report selection screen for the employee (forexample, military service).
- The employee is assigned to the SI group 8> (Regional Health
Insurance Fund: Freelancer) or 9> (Regional Health InsuranceFund: Mimimal employment contract)Part-time employment The system reads the constant WOSTD> from the table PayrollConstants> (T511K) to determine the need for possible part-timeemployment. First the system ensures that the field Part-time employee> inPlanned Working Time> infotype 0007 is marked. If you maintainthe table Standard Working Hours> (T510I), the weekly workinghours are used as a comparison value for determining the necessity ofpart-time employees. If you do not maintainedthis table, the system evaluates the field Weekly working hours>in Planned Working Time> infotype (0007).Employee census An employee's employment relationship on the last day of the month isthe decisive factor for being included in the employee count. Employeeswho have an employment status other than active> at the end ofthe month are not counted. In addition, the system takes the earnings and the number of hours inthe evaluated month into account. Thus, some employees may not beincluded; however, their earnings and the amount of work are taken intoconsideration.Hours worked The system determines the amount of hours worked as follows: Hours worked = paid hours minus paid lost hours In order to determine the number of paid hours, the system uses thewage type /850 (Planned Working Time) as a base. If you have enteredother wage types in the field Paid hours>, the system adds theseas well. When you enter the wage type for the lost hours in the field Losthours>, the system determines the number of worked hours based on thevalues of the wage types for paid hours and for lost hours. If you do not enter a wage type for the lost hours, the systemdetermines the number of lost hours in the payroll table CumulationAbsence Classes> [ABC]. All lost hours (P, X) are read and totaled uphere.Earnings In order to determine gross earnings, the system reads your entries inthe field Gross>. In order to determine net earnings, the system reads your entries inthe field Net>. In order to determine the gross special payment, the system reads yourentries in the field Special payments>. In ordert to determine the gross severance pay, the system reads yourentries in field Severance pay>.Grouping of companies By using the customer enhancement in the function module Read data >for personnel subarea and employer assignment unit ( HR_AT_GET_ORG_DATA>), you can carry out anypersonnel and personnel subarea grouping. The text on this grouping isprinted in the title of the output list for the individual company.