Purpose This report enables you to analyze TemSe files created by reportFINPROF - Advance Tax Declaration> RPCBWMB0. It allows you to see thedetails of a FINPROF declaration on employee level. It is possible todisplay or download files.Integration The report can be as well started from the FINPROF declaration resultscreen ( button 'Show detailed results' ) Prerequisites
- A FINPROF declaration has to be available in the system as TemSe file
- Be aware that the PC must be turned on, when running the report in a
background process.Selection The field TemSe >enables you to select the relevant sequentialdataset in the Temporary Sequential file. These datasets are called 'HRobjects' in the TemSe. The naming convention for HR objects in the TemSe is as follows: HR_xxxxxx_nnnnnnnnnn:
- xxxxxx is an identifier which specifies the area
- nnnnnnnnnn is a 10-digit consecutive number.
The field Display> enables you to display the records of thechoosen TemSe file in the log. The field Download> enables you to download the following recordsof the choosen TemSe file to the PC. You can either fill in thecomplete path and filename or have the files stored on the default SAPworking directory. The TemSe file can be stored on Employer level>or on Employee level.>Output In the PAL> log, you can open thefolder FINPROF. > The records will be shown on declaration leveland on employee level.