Programme SAP RPCFDIE0 - FDI message

This program generates the .FDI message used to send Social Insurancethe information relating to temporary incapacity entry and leavenotifications, for companies who form part of the RED system.
Program RPCFDIE0 processes all infotype 0768 (FDI message data) recordfor the period entered in the selection screen that have 'report' statusfor any entry, leave, or confirmation notifications.
Likewise, if you flag the "Live run" checkbox (under "ExecutionSettings"), the program will maintain in infotype 0768 all records thathave been processed, and indicate those that are awaiting socialinsurance confirmation.
You will find detailed information on this report and its use incombination with Infotype 0768 in consulting note no. 688269.

Complete the selection screen fields according to your requirements. Toobtain the TemSe file, select the appropriate field and then access thefile by clicking on the TemSe button in the results screen.

The program generates the .FDI message in the format required by theTGSS (social insurance administration).

1620308TemSe button wrongly appearing for TC, AFI, and FDI reports
811109HR SP ES25 - CAMBIO 24
1071282CONSULT: List of tags for Spain notes.
1471506FDI - Corr.: Company Code filter is not working properly
1465703FDI: Company Code filter is not working properly
1444005FDI: Two records with the same dates, only one is updated
1440442FDI: Fijo Discontinuo does not generate days of contribution
926271HR SP ES26: CAMBIO 66
1021657CONSULT.: HRMS España - Nota de Notas
901622HR SP ES26: Cambio 45
987351ES26.4: RPCFDIE0 not Displaying Log
941540HR SP ES26 - Cambio 80
945759HR SP ES26: FDI, Change 93
924451HR SP ES26: Cambio 63
493377CONSULT: Mensajes FDI (para Sistema RED)