Purpose Generate Wage Ledger of selected year from the payroll result andemployee data. Processing timing> ,,After Year End Adjustment (or at any time). Input> o,,Period ,,Years for running o,,Selection ,,Employees with payroll result of selected year o,,Layout ,,Choose layout for non-flexible payroll (monthly payroll) or layout forflexible payroll. ,,If the employees are of flexible payroll, you should select the radiobutton 'Flexible Payroll'. If the employees are of non-flexible payroll,you can select either of the radio buttons. Output> Wage Ledger (RPCEWGJ1) displays the payroll result based on thefrequency of regular payroll. The output in blocks "REGULAR PAYROLL", "SYOYO" and "TIME MANAGEMENT" isbased on wage types in RT. ",,Initial wage types ,,The following wage types are printed out if they have value. o,,In "REGULAR PAYROLL" block /101 as /R02, /103, /105, /110, /111, /112, /113, /301, /304, /307,/310, /315, /318, / 401, /402, /433, /4K1, /526, /527, /536, /537, /538,/539, /540, /541, /542, /543, /R89, /566, /601, /C15, /Y31, o,,In "SYOYO" block ,,/121, /122, /123, /127, /128, /142, /331, /334, /337, /340, /345,/348, /411, /433, /4K2, /611, /S11, ,,/S14, /S15, /S16, /S17, /S18,/S19, /S20, /S21 o,,In "TIME MANAGEMENT" block ,,None ",,Evaluation class 06 ,,Besides the initial wage types, you set the evaluation class 06 toprint out the wage type on wage ledger. The meanings of evaluation class06 are as follows. o,,0: Wage type is not printed out ,,This wage type is not printed out on wage ledger. o,,1: Wage type is printed in payment area in regular payroll ,,This wage type is printed in payment area in "REGULAR PAYROLL" block. o,,2: Wage type is printed in deduction area in regular payroll ,,This wage type is printed in deduction area in "REGULAR PAYROLL"block. o,,3: Wage type is printed in payment area in syoyo ,,This wage type is printed in payment area in "SYOYO" block. o,,4: Wage type is printed in deduction area in syoyo ,,This wage type is printed in deduction area in "SYOYO" block. o,,5: Wage type is printed in time management area ,,This wage type is printed in "REGULAR PAYROLL" block. o,,6: Wage type with value is printed in time management area ,, Same as setting '5'. |