Description For the complete program documentation, see SAP note number 456456. Precondition The following preconditions are required to use RPCEUDI0 program tocalculate CUD (employee single statement) 2002:
- year 2001 has been fully calculated using SAP Payroll Accounting with
consistent results in clusters (RI/B2/PC);
- clusters RI/B2/PC have not been changed apart from Payroll Accounting
via program RPCALCI0;
- master data have not been changed without carrying out the
corresponding payroll accounting again (e.g. in infotypes 0154, 0156 or0160);
- if SAP TM Form is not used, you must use interfaces and user exits to
be able to use report RPCEUDI0;
- it is important to avoid customizing the INAB function so that "company
integration" percentage is = 0 (it should be 100%) -> section 3 of thesocial security section form;
- this program is started using the same currency set for the RI cluster
(payroll results): otherwise, the rounding error may be significant;
- ministerial instructions for the employee are not included in the
printout of this program because they are the same for every employee.If the deferred month solution is adopted: CUD2002 tax section is based on the cash criterion; there are noproblems for those who use the deferred month; CUD2002 tax section is based on the pertaining criterion; in this casethe contributions generated on the deferred month are related to theprevious and not the current month; only use passive wage types (i.e. WT generated by program RPCALCI0 onthe standard/non-deferred month in accordance with the contributionsdue on that month); so contributions and the period will always followthe pertaining criterion; If standard program RPCEUDI0 is used in association to the non-standardTM module:
- program RPCEUDI0 needs results from TM (namely: from table ZL in
cluster B2) to calculate section 3 in the social security section;however, you can use this program also adopting a TM externalprocedure; note 456456 describes procedure details.File to overwrite calculation results:
- After calculating the value of each box for the employee selected on
the selection screen, program RPCEUDI0 allows you to overwrite thevalue of individual boxes for certain employees by reading a file thatcontains the new value and the indication of the employee and the boxthat must be changed; note 456456 describes the procedure details.Output Program RPCEUDI0 capability: This program allows you to process form CUD2002 (master and taxsections as well as INPS/INPDAI in the social security section). It also allows you to work on several 'depth levels', e.g., "companycode" or deeper, such "INPS indicator" or "Place of work". In the master section the various possibilities can be activated viabutton 'Display selections' on the selection screen. If the 'Test run' box is checked, at the end of the processing you canchoose to display the result list ('list' button), the error list('errors' button), totals ('totals' button) or to display and printSapScript forms. If the box is blank, the output is sent directly to SapScript. For SapScript format changes, please see notes 202204 and 306219. For user exit enabling, refer to relevant chapter. Interfaces: program RPCEUDI0 cannot handle all possible situations forall employees of all company code types. Therefore, in some cases youhave to use interfaces to change output results. For employees who had company code changes, three cases (and therelevant solutions) are possible: RESET N1 Re-hiring by the same company: The same Personnel Number must be kept. No payroll change takes place. For CUD (single certification form) purposes the date of this event isnot relevant. The procedure requires the same treatment as that applied for wagepayment suspension one or more times over the year; the output willcontain the standard fraction of social security and severanceindemnity sections of form CUD2002. CUD refers to the whole period(year). The system supports this solution. Change of company code as a result of collective operations; It can involve the disappearence of the old company code. It is not currently supported by the system. Change of company code as a result of individual operations; The creation of a new personnel number is required and so is the use ofinfotype 0305 as "previous employer"; this operation is possible onlyat month start (the first day of every month); infotype 0031 is usedconsistently with the sequence of changes. The CUD procedure requires a different CUD form for each employee;usually there are two employers with one CUD form for the old companycode and one for the new one (the old company code is the previousemployer). In this case, as well, there will be fractions in the socialsecurity and severance indemnity sections. The CUD only refers to the company code period (e.g.: a CUD for the oldcompany code from January to April and a CUD for the new company codefrom May to December). As there may be variations in this sense soon, we recommend that youread the note before making the change. The system supports this solution. Data related to CAF (Centre for Fiscal Assistance): for thedocumentation on this section, please see notes 350082 and 337931. Required customizing: For customizing, please see the relevant chapter in note 456456, whichexplains the system customizing details in CUD2002 form sections (forexample, in the section concerning settlement or other severanceindemnity data). Description of calculation: This note describes the details of CUD2002 calculation in the variousform sections, namely:
- master section;
- tax section:
income data other data for tax return expenses subject to tax deduction expenses not included in the tax base settlement data settlement deficit
- social security section:
section 1 section 2 section 3
- Note description (notes)
User exits The various user exits available for form CUD2002 are described in note456456. We recommend that you read the user exit documentation in the note andthe documentation for SMOD and CMOD transactions needed for user exitsto be enabled. To display user exit documentation, call the transaction (e.g. CMOD)and select 'Help-> Application help' from the menu.