Title GB Year End Report: Production of Legislative Forms (RPCEOYG0) Use The GB Year End Report: Production of Legislative Forms>(RPCEOYG0) produces the following statutory forms for your employees,allowing you to complete End-of-Year (EOY) reporting in Great Britain: P14: End-of-Year Summary for Inland Revenue (both the Tax and NationalInsurance copies, where the copies are kept separate) P60: End-of-Year Summary for the Employee P35: Employer's Annual Return to Inland Revenue P35: Worklist P38A: Employer's Supplementary Return RESET N1 The following output options are available for report RPCEOYG0:
- Paper EOY Forms
- Magnetic Media
- XML format (e-Filing for Great Britain: Outgoing)
EOY Explained: Running the End-of-Year Report RPCEOYG0 The document EOY Explained provides you with a detailed descriptionof how report RPCEOYG0 produces your EOY returns. We recommend you usethis document as a reference for your EOY processing.> You can download the latest version of EOY Explained> from thePayroll Great Britain >customer page in the SAP ServiceMarketplace (www.service.sap.com/hrgb>), choosing Media Center > -> Literature >-> End-of-Year Processing>.Timeframes> The construction and processing of timeframe data is central to anyunderstanding of how the report GB Year End Report: Production ofLegislative Forms> (RPCEOYG0) works. Chapter 2 of the document EOY Explained> introduces the concept oftimeframes, outlines the infotypes relevant to EOY processing andprovides an example of the process of combining timeframes. Thetechnical structure of the EOY-relevant timeframes is also summarised inthis chapter, which is concluded with a detailed description of themajor steps involved in the building of timeframes for EOY reporting.EOY Forms in more detail P14> You must produce a P14 form for every:
- Employment an employee has in the tax year
- Change in tax reference number
- Change in COMPS pension scheme
The P14 form contains the taxable earnings of the employee from thecurrent employment, and also figures from any P45. It is alwaysgenerated, even if the employee has left the company during the tax yearto be reported upon. lf an employee has an organisational assignmentchange within the tax year that results in a tax reference change, theP14 form data will be produced per tax reference change. Example>: If an employee changes tax reference from 01July of a specific tax year,then two P14s are generated:
- One for the period 06.04 to 30.06
- One for the period 01.07 to 05.04
If the employee reverts back to their original tax reference later inthe same tax year, then three P14s are issued.P60> The P60 End-of-Year Certificate is a summary of an employee's mainpayroll data for the tax year. The P60 form shows total pay for incometax and NI for all employees active in your organisation on April 05 ofthe tax year to be reported upon. You must produce a P60 for allemployees active on this date. The P60 contains the following data:
- Total Pay received by the employee, including:
Total pay Overtime, bonus and commission payments Any other payments to the employee that are taxable and NIable
- Total deductions from the employee, for example:
Tax and NI (less any refunds received) Student loan deductions Tax credits receivedP35> The P35 form summarises employee information for all employees withinthe tax year, for a particular tax reference. The form also containsinformation on those employees who left your organisation during the taxyear. If PAYE reference is ceased and the Cessation Date> ismaintained in the system, the date is also reported on the form. In addition, all tax and NI paid, Statutory Sick Pay (SSP), StatutoryMaternity Pay (SMP), Statutory Adoption Pay (SAP) and StatutoryPaternity Pay (SPP) received or subsequently recovered for all relevantemployees is also reported on the P35 form. This form also records thepayments made to the Collector of Taxes in respect of tax and NICsduring the tax year. In addition, there is certain information mandatory for P35 reportingthat is, or may not be, recorded on an employee's record. Thisinformation is:
- The amount that an employer may have received from the IR as an advance
for tax refunds paid to employees
- The amount of tax that an employer may have deducted from subcontractors
- The amount of funding an employer may have received from the IR to pay
tax credits
- The amount (if any) received by the employer as Incentive Payment. If a
small employer does an e-filing for the EOY Returns, the Inland RevenueDepartment gives this amount as Incentive Payment to the employer.P35 Worklist> The standard setup within the GB Year End Report: Production ofLegislative Forms >assumes that the EOY data is issued via MagneticMedia, and for that reason the P35(MT) is produced. The P35(MT) holdsfewer fields than the normal P35 form. However, you may not beregistered for Magnetic Media issuing rights. To cater for such ascenario, an option exists within the EOY report for you to also producea P35 Worklist. The P35 Worklist, in conjunction with the P35(MT), mirrors very closelythe P35. You can produce the P35 Worklist using a SAP List Viewer (ALV)output. The P35 Worklist and the P35(MT) are, in effect, summaries ofemployee totals of P14 data in a particular tax reference.P38A> According to legislation, you must not >produce a P14 form (andrespectively, also a Magnetic Media entry) for any employee who does nothave a reportable >employment situation, that is: Tax, NI, TaxCredit, Student Loan, SSP, SMP, SAP, SPP, Widow's/Orphan's LifeInsurance values are equal to zero. You must >report employees in this situation to the Inland Revenuevia the P38A form. The SAP system provides a list with the relevant datafor this form (except Employed as). >This list can be eitherdownloaded or printed directly and attached to the P38A form. Thethreshold mentioned on the form for employees being relevant for sectionB is not checked by the system. You only submit a P38A form for an employee for whom neither a form P14nor P38(S) has been produced. The only reasons why you would not havecompleted either form P14 or P38(S) are:
- The employee had signed either a form P46 or P38(S) and was never paid
above the NI threshold for any tax week or month in the tax year to bereported upon.
- The employee only paid tax below the threshold.
- The employee generated no reportable facts for EOY reporting.
See also>: e-Filing Outgoing: Electronic submission of yourEOY return>, below. Magnetic Media File> The system produces the P35(MT) as many organisations continue tocomplete the End-of-Year reporting process using Magnetic Media returnsto the IR. For detailed information about the creation of the P35(MT), see Chapter6 of EOY Explained>.Prerequisites You customise the EOY report in the Payroll Great Britain> IMG,under: End-of-Year Processing >-> Set Up P14/P60/P35, MagneticMedia and e-Filing EOY Processing>. You must carry out all thecustomising steps in this section before you run report RPCEOYG0. Thekey customising activities you perform are summarised below:
- Tables
Check Wage Type Assignment for End-of-YearReporting> Maintain Supplementary fields for P35 Form>
- Features
ADDRS Source of Employee Address> [subtype of theinfotype Addresses >0006)] GBENA Source of Employer Name> ENTRY Maintain Rule for Determining Entry Date> (FBHR_STARTING_DATE) LEAVE Maintain Rule for Determining Leaving Date>(FB HR_LEAVING_DATE)
- Constants
SMPRO/SAPRO/SPPRO:Maintain Constants for StatutoryAbsence Recovery Rates> P60IL: Generate P14 Forms for P38A Employee Data > EOYER: Determines whether the Information messages should be printedin batch processing. If the constant does not exist or has value 0, thenthe information messages are printed.Important Definitions Tax year>:> Determines the timeframe for selection of personnel numbers forinclusion in the EOY report Tax reference>:> Derives payroll areas for a given tax referenceRunning Report RPCEOYG0 in Test Mode> If you set the Test >indicator on the EOY report selection screen,the generated EOY SAPScript forms contain the indicator Test>. Intest mode you can run the report for any selection criteria combinationyou desire. For example, on a single personnal number to determine howthis employee may be contributing to multiple tax references.Alternatively, you can run the report over an entire personnel area toview EOY data for this section of employees. In particular, the Test>setting is useful to check how your EOY reporting is looking at agiven point in time during the tax year. If you do not set theTest >indicator, the EOY report runs in live(productive) mode. In live mode you must enter a tax reference.Output Options The following output options exist for this report: SAPScript> > Print or preview the EOY reports via SAPScript forms ALV Output> > Show the data for EOY reports via an SAP List Viewer (ALV) display Create TemSe files for forms> > Store generated EOY data as Temporary Sequential (TemSe) files Create TemSe file for MagMedia> Initiate the production of a Magnetic Media EOY report External data source (via TemSe)> > Read and upload external TemSe files for your EOY report output XML file> Generate an XML file See e-Filing Outgoing: Electronic submission of your EOY return>,below, for more details. Note>: Completed statutory forms created by report RPCEOYG0 can only beproduced in a Magnetic Media or SAPscript format. The generation ofelectronic and paper copies of the statutory EOY forms is only possibleusing either of these two formats. You can run the GB Year End Report: Production of Legislative Form >s (RPCEOYG0) both in online and batch mode. In order to make printingmore convenient, the printing of each form is sent to a different spoolrequest. If you use pre-printed stationery, you can exchange thestationery between the different spool prints. There are a number of other important points to note about theoutput options for report RPCEOYG0:>
- If you start the report in online mode you will come - upon execution-
to a screen which allows you to choose which form you wish to display.You will be presented with the report statistics. You can switch betweendifferent forms as often as you like. However, if you start with theSAPScript output option, you first have the opportunity to check theforms.
- Under menu option Extras>, you can switch to the SAP List Viewer
(ALV ) output and check the appropriate information via the ALV tool. Ifyou have also chosen to produce a Magnetic Media output, you will havethe extra option to also display the Magnetic Media content via an ALVdisplay. Note>: lf you start with the ALV output option, you cannot switchto a SAPScript display later.
- Using the menu option Extras , >you can also display a listing of
any messages generated during the report run, namely, information (I),warning (W) or error (E) messages.
- You can display employee timeframes using the ALV output. This ALV
output is best used for analytical purposes and is only reallymeaningful in this situation if you run the report for a singleemployee. lf you run the report for a set of employees, the ALV listcontains only the timeframes for the last processed employee.
- Furthermore, you can download the Magnetic Media file either to a PC or
Unix file. (This applies only if the Create TemSe for MagMedia>indicator was set on the report RPCEOYG0 selection screen.) In the caseof a PC download, the data is downloaded in the correct (BIN) format.The EOY report allows you to produce Temporary Sequential (TemSe) filesand retrieve data from such files. When working with TemSe data withinthe EOY report, you should consider the following: When generating TemSe files, you only maintain the selection parameterTax year ending April 5th.> You must select each of the desired TemSe files to be read before>the reading procedure is started. lf you do not select all of yourdesired TemSe files before reading takes place (possible TemSe fileoptions exist for forms P14, P35, P60, Magnetic Media and P38A), thedisplay options for the TemSe read are later restricted to those TemSefiles which you selected beforehand. If you load a Magnetic Media TemSe file into the EOY report, you mustensure that the tax year entered on the selection screen correlates tothe content of the appropriate Magnetic Media TemSe file being loaded. Statistical information on selected employees (such as P14/P60 notneeded to be produced>, timeframes not needed to be produced>,and so on), and the associated error messages are not available whenreading fromTemSe files. This is because the statistics in a TemSe-readsituation are not recorded for EOY purposes. For more information, see Statistical Output for Report RPCEOYG0>,below. Report RPCEOYG0 cannot read from TemSe files and then create new TemSefiles from these initial readings. Furthermore, if you clear the Getdata from external source >indicator, all TemSe file names are alsocleared. For each TemSe file selection field within the external data source (viaTemSe) section, you can only enter the appropriate TemSe file. For example, in the Data source for P60> selection field, you canonly select TemSe files containing P60 data.
- In batch mode, the EOY report prints all the ALV lists or> all the
SAPScript forms - each in different spool files.e-Filing Outgoing: Electronic submission of your EOY return e-Filing Outgoing >functionality allows you to submit yourEnd-of-Year (EOY) data to the Inland Revenue electronically, via theInternet. You use the EOY report RPCEOYG0 to generate an XML version ofyour EOY output to file your EOY return online. Using report RPCEOYG0, you can submit your EOY to the Government Gatewayand query the results in real time, reducing response times for your EOYreporting. Important Notes>: If you employ more than 250 persons per PAYE scheme, you must submityour EOY returns electronically via the Internet, starting with tax yearending 05 April 2005. You use the e-Filing Outgoing >solution todo this. Before you run report RPCEOYG0, you must run the P35Checklist and Declaration Report> (RPC35CG0). Running report RPC35CG0produces data which the EOY report later uses to electronically fillParts 3 -> 5 of the approved SAP P35 Form.New e-Filing functions added to report RPCEOYG0:>
- Three new parameters are added to the selection screen of the EOY report
for e-Filing Outgoing>: Generate XML> Generates an XML file from the EOY data produced by report RPCEOYG0 With Zip> Compresses the P14 Form data and reduces file size to speed upsubmission times Test in Live> Sends an XML file to the Inland Revenue Government Gateway as a testfile
- Three new options are added to the results screen of the EOY report for
e-Filing Outgoing>: Display XML> Displays the XML coding to be submitted to the Inland Revenue. Usingthis option, you can ensure that the XML code is well formed and alsocheck certain data components. B2A Manager> Opens a view to the B2A Manager >via the report View SpecificProcesses in the B2A Manager >(RPUB2AG0). You use the B2A Manager >to start the electronic submission ofyour XML EOY data to the Inland Revenue. Display XML Errors> The menu option Extras >is now enhanced, allowing you to view XMLErrors generated for the EOY report run. To view these errors, choose: Extras >-> XML Errors> Note>: These errors are typically business errors that would not normally beraised by report RPCEOYG0. However, you must now correct any XML errorsthat are generated to ensure your EOY submission complies with newInland Revenue XML standards.Further e-Filing documentation: The following release-specific User Guides explain the e-Filing processin detail:
- e-Filing Incoming/Outgoing 2.0 (4.6C & above)>
- e-Filing Outgoing Version 2.0 (4.6B & below)>
You can find these documents on the Payroll Great Britain Customer pagein the SAP Service Marketplace (http://www.service.sap.com/hrgb>),under: Media Center >-> e-Filing>.Performance Information A performance analysis showed that processing 10,000 EOY forms takesapproximately 20 minutes if you use the options Create TemSe filesfor forms >and Create TemSe files for MagMedia>. The most timeconsuming part of running report RPCEOYG0 is the mass SAPScript formproduction. For checking the results from theTemSe files you have created, werecommend you use specific ALV display variants as this reduces reportrun-time substantially. You can define your own ALV display lists forthe various data checks you wish to perform and switch between them asand when required.Statistical Output for Report RPCEOYG0 After the GB Year End Report: Production of Legislative Forms>(RPCEOYG0) has run, a result screen is displayed. This screen summarisesthe processing that has been carried out by the report. The followingdata and information is available on this screen:Statistical information
- Selected persons :> The number of employees selected for this
report run. Only those employees who either had at least one active dayin the tax year or received a payment in the tax year are considered.
- Selected contracts :> Only relevant if you have implemented the
multiple employment solution. This field contains the number ofcontracts selected. Note>: This figure may exceed the number of selected persons.
- P14 forms generated :> The number of P14 forms produced by the
report. Note>: The ALV output may have more lines than the number of P14forms produced, in cases were employees had multiple NI categoriesthroughout the tax year.
- P60 forms generated :> The number of P60 forms produced by the
report. Note>: The ALV output may have more lines than the number of P60forms produced, in cases were employees had multiple NI categoriesthroughout the tax year. Furthermore, this number typically is lowerthan the volume of P14s produced, as a P60 is only produced foremployees active on April 05 of the tax year.
- P35 forms generated :> The number of P35 forms produced by the
report. For production runs of the report, this number should neverexceed 1.
- P14 not needed to produce :> Number of P14s which do not need to
be produced as they do not contain any relevant information on NI orother amount-based fields. You should refer to the warning messagesissued for these situations.
- P60 not needed to produce :> Number of P60s which do not need to
be produced as they do not contain any relevant information on NI orother amount-based fields. You should refer to the warning messagesissued for these situations.
- Timeframes rejected :> The report examines the evaluated
timeframes individually. The following criteria must be identical withineach timeframe for processing to be completed: NI category COMPS scheme participation Activity indicator Tax reference If any timeframe cannot be analysed due to a problem situation, it isrejected. However, it may be that other timeframes belonging to the sameemployee are correctly analysed and processed. You should refer to theerror messages issued in these situations. Note>: In principle, the number of P14s generated, plus those not needed, plusthe rejected timeframes should at least equal (or exceed) the number ofselected employees. The number of P60 forms generated should equate toyour active headcount on April 05 of the tax year you wish to report on.Displaying EOY forms and form data Furthermore, from the results screen for RPCEOYG0, you also have aselection of additional pushbuttons allowing you to view two versions ofthe EOY form data produced by this report:
- SAPScript forms
If you selected to produce SAPScript forms in your report run, theresult screen initially displays four additional pushbuttons which allowyou to preview and print the SAPScript P35, P60, P14 Tax Copy and P14 NICopy forms produced.
- ALV output data for forms
From the initial result screen, choose Extras >-> Switchdisplay form>. An alternative version of the results screen nowappears with pushbutton options to display the ALV form output for theP14, P35, P38A, P38 Worksheet and P60 forms. Note>: If you are generating an XML version of the EOY output using thee-Filing Outgoing >solution, the EOY report results screendisplays a further two XML pushbutton options: Display XML> Choose this option to display the XML coding to be submitted to theInland Revenue. You can ensure that the XML is well formed and checkcertain data components using this option. B2A Manager> This option opens a view to the B2A Manager>. From here, you canstart the actual submission process of your EOY data to the InlandRevenue.Additional Technical Hints The following information regarding SAPScript form output is included asyou may wish to amend a SAPScript form layout or even produce anotherview for your EOY data. The listings below outline the specific datathat fills each SAPScript field, and the source of that data. (That is,from where in the SAP system report RPCEOYG0 reads this particulardata.) For the P14 SAPScript form (HR_GB_P14_XXXX), the data is available inthe internal table P14 and in the fields listed below. For the P60 SAPScript form (HR_GB_P60_XXXX_Y), the data is available inthe internal table P60 and in the fields listed below. For example, P60-BUKRS contains the company code for the P60 Form. Note>:
- The fields containing National Insurance information must be treated
separately as they are included in a SAPScript window, in a SAPScriptform called MAIN. The table name for their output is P60N, for both theP14 and P60 SAPScript forms.
- For a comprehensive list of general fields available, see Section 1
- For a comprehensive list of the NI fields available, see Section 2
below.Section 1: General SAPScript Fields Available> This section contains a listing of the general fields available, thedata source for each field and the field name (where appropriate) asfollows: BUKRS,, Infotype Organizational Assignment> (0001) / field CompanyCode> BUTXT,, Text of appropriate company code from table T001 WERKS,, Infotype Organizational Assignment> (0001) / field PersonnelArea> NAME1,, Text of appropriate personnel area from table T500P BTRTL,, Infotype Organizational Assignment> (0001) / field PersonnelSubarea> BTEXT,, Text of appropriate personnel subarea from table T001P PERSG,, Infotype Organizational Assignment> (0001) / field EmployeeGroup> PGTXT,, Text of appropriate employee group from table T501T PERSK,, Infotype Organizational Assignment> (0001) / field EmployeeSubgroup> PKTXT,, Text of appropriate employee subgroup from table T503T ORGEH,, Infotype Organizational Assignment> (0001) / fieldOrganizational Unit> ORGTX,, Text of appropriate organizational unit from table T527X KOSTL,, Infotype Organizational Assignment> (0001) / field Cost Center > KOSTT,, Text of appropriate cost center from Financial (FI) Component ABKRS,, Infotype Organizational Assignment> (0001) / field PayrollArea> ABKTX,, Text of appropriate payroll area from table T549T ER_NAME,, Depending on the customising of feature GBENA, the data can come fromtwo different sources ,,,,1. From the Infotype Organizational Assignment> (0001) / fieldPayroll Area>: deriving tax ,,,, reference and accessing table T5G52 ,,,,2. From the Infotype Organizational Assignment> (0001) and thePersonnel Area/ Personnel Subarea>: ,,,, accessing the employer name from table T500P. ER_STRT,, Derived from payroll area you find the district no. and indicator numbervia table T5G52. With this information, you enter T5G52 and check theaddress information (via Central Address Management) for fieldStreet> (STRAS) ER_PLZ,, As for ER_STRT but field Postal Code> (PSTLZ) ER_CITY,, as for ER_STRT but field City/Town> (ORT01) TDREF,, Derived from payroll area you find the District indic. via table T5G52 TDNUM,, Derived from payroll area you find the District Number via table T5G52 TDNME,, Text of appropriate district number and district indicator from tableT5G5T PRMNO,, Derived from payroll area you find the district number and indicatornumber via T5G52. With this information you read table T5G52 and checkthe permit number. ECONR,, As for PRMNO but check the ECON number WTEXT,, Personnel number of the employee PERID,, Infotype Personal Data> (0002) / field National insurancenumber> ACTVE,, Infotype Actions> (0000) / field Employment> ENAME,, Infotype Personal Data> (0002) / field Name> NACHN,, Infotype Personal Data> (0002) / field Last name> VORNA,, Infotype Personal Data> (0002) / field First name> MIDNM,, Infotype Personal Data> (0002) / field Middle name> GBDAT,, Infotype Personal Data> (0002) / field Birth date> GESCH,, Derived from the infotype Personal Data> (0002); the system readsthe domain text of the gender (Male/Female) and take the first digit ofthis string LINE0,, Depending on the customising of feature ADDRS, the data can be read fromdifferent subtypes of infotype Addresses> (0006). The appropriateinfotype is processed by the function module HR_MAKE_ADDRESS>.Field LINE0 is filled with the returned LINE1 (SkippingForm-of-Address). LINE1,, As LINE0 but filled by LINE2 LINE2,, As LINE0 but filled by LINE3 LINE3,, As LINE0 but filled by LINE4. PSTLZ,, Infotype Addresses> (0006) / field Postal code> TXCOD,, Read from last payroll result in period. The fields Tax region >(TXREG), Tax number> (TXNUM) andTax letter> (TXLET) are linked. M1W1I,, Read from last payroll result in period. On tax base 1, if week isfilled, then set with W>. If month is filled, field is set withM>. If both fields should be filled, M >overrules W>. WEEK53,, Derived from payroll period. Sets Week 53 identifier if payroll periodis 53, 54 or 56 (takes the second number 3, 4 or 6) STARTD,, Start date of an employee, delivered from function moduleHR_ENTRY_DATE>. If there are various timeframes which need to beanalysed separately and both have a start date, then the earlier date istaken. LEAVED,, Leave date of an employee, delivered from function moduleHR_LEAVING_DATE>. If there are various timeframes which need to beanalysed separately and both have a start date, then the earlier date istaken. BEGDA,, ONLY technical meaning - the begin date of a particular timeframe ENDDA,, ONLY technical meaning - the end date of a particular timeframe PENID,, Pensioner> indicator derived from activity type 2 in the infotypeActions> (0000). Within a single timeframe, if an employee hasswitched to Pensioner,> this field is set to P>. This fieldis only relevant for the Magnetic Media report output. DIRID,,,, Director> indicator derived from the payroll results tableCNIC>. If there is any timeframe in the tax year within which theemployee was a director, this field is set to D>. This field isonly relevant for the Magnetic Media report output. TAXYR,, The selected tax year, derived from the report selection screen ERADD,, Concatenation of employer address (ER_STR, ER_PLZ, ER_CITY) for MagneticMedia purposes WIDOR,, Derived from the payroll results. Those wage types maintained in theviewcluster VC_596A_B >under cumulation wage type EWOL >willbe taken. P_EARN,, Derived from the payroll results. Those wage types maintained in theviewcluster VC_596A_B >under cumulation wage type PAY1 >willbe taken. C_EARN Derived from the payroll results. Those wage types maintained in theviewcluster VC_596A_B >under cumulation wage type PAY2 >willbe taken. T_EARN,, Derived from the payroll results - addition of P_EARN >andC_EARN>. P_TAX,, Derived from the payroll results. Those wage types maintained in theviewcluster VC_596A_B >under cumulation wage type TAX1 >willbe taken. C_TAX,, Derived from the payroll results. Those wage types maintained in theviewcluster VC_596A_B >under cumulation wage type TAX2 >willbe taken. T_TAX,, Derived from the payroll results - addition of P_TAX >andC_TAX>. SLOAN,, Derived from the payroll results. Those wage types maintained in theviewcluster VC_596A_B >under cumulation wage type SLOA >willbe taken. TCRED,, Derived from the payroll results. Those wage types maintained in theviewcluster VC_596A_B >under cumulation wage type TXCR >willbe taken. SSPBT,, Derived from the payroll results. Those wage types maintained in theviewcluster VC_596A_B >under cumulation wage type SSP >willbe taken. SMPBT,, Derived from the payroll results. Those wage types maintained in theviewcluster VC_596A_B >under cumulation wage type SMP >willbe taken. SMPRC,, Derived from the payroll results. Those wage types maintained in theviewcluster VC_596A_B >under cumulation wage type SMPR >willbe taken. NICRB,, Derived from the payroll results. Those wage types maintained in theviewcluster VC_596A_B >under cumulation wage type NIRB >willbe taken. This field is used on the P14 form to show NI Rebates. NIRTO,, Derived from the payroll results. Those wage types maintained in theviewcluster VC_596A_B >under cumulation wage type NIRT >willbe taken. This field is used on the P14 form to show NI Rebates. SUPER,, Derived from the payroll results. Those wage types maintained in theviewcluster VC_596A_B >under cumulation wage type SUAN >willbe taken. Only used for the Magnetic Media output. TOGRP,, Derived from the payroll results. Those wage types maintained in theviewcluster VC_596A_B >under cumulation wage type TOGR >willbe taken. Only used for the Magnetic Media output.