Title Issue of salary statement with appendices Purpose This program is used to issue salary statements for France with one ormore appendices. This program will add a new functionality to the basic salary issue asit has been executed by the program RPCEDTFO (cf.corresponding documentation>) It will be able to issueup to three forms: the salary statement, accompanied by one or twoappendices. Various wage types produced in the Time Maintenance or the PayrollMaintenance may be printed on these appendices. For example, the hoursworked as a trade union representative, strike times, the Reduction ofWorking Time hours linked to the application of the law relating to the35 hour working week, etc. Utilization limits>: The issue of the salary statements with appendices only functions if ithas been initiated directly by the program RPCEDTF2. An indirect submission, for example a payroll simulation, does not offerthe possibility to produce appendices, because the only salary statementissue program recognized for France during indirect submissions isRPCEDTF0.Prerequisites Before initiating this program, the form(s) used as a basis for thesalary statement appendices must have been set. To set the form(s), follow the instructions for the work phase"Set salary statement"> in the implementationguide(IMG). Note: The wage types displayed in the appendices are set by the user duringthe form settings.Selection The issue of the salary statements with appendices is set differently tothe salary statement issue without appendices.
- Several form names must by entered in the selection screen of the
program: the name of the principal form for the salary statement, the name of the form from the 1st appendix, possibly the name of the form from the second appendix.
- The setting "print current period" must be entered with the value "xF",
the "F" is only used to issue the appendices if the window containsdata.Output
- When an appendix form is entered in the selection screen, the appendices
contained in this form are issued on one or more pages depending on thesetting for the forms for the appendix (appendices). When the design of the appendices is similar (identical headers or noheaders, etc.), it is preferable to define these appendices on one form;this has the advantage of being more effective than the creation of twoappendix forms. The options "PAGE /...." are then used to separateinformation on a single page or even over several pages. The issue options are as follows: on one page if the option "PAGE / PAGE" is not used. To separate theappendices it is then possible to use the option "PAGE / PGnn" where nncorresponds to the number of spacing lines between the differentappendices. with a page change each time the option "PAGE / PAGE" is used. Note: if this option is used, all the pages of the appendices form will beprinted. A single exception exists for this rule: if the setting "Print currentperiod" is entered by the value "xF" and if no wage type defined in theform exists for a given employee, no appendix page will be printed forthis employee.
- The forms are paginated independently of the salary statement: the
pagination of the salary statement runs from 1 to n, this is also thecase for each appendix form.Example The form FF02 is provided by SAP as an example. It may be copied andmodified; the users may also create their own form(s). The example of the FF02 form illustrates the 2 issue options: two pagesare printed, one appendix appears on the first page (data correspondingto a wage type), two appendices on the second page (the datacorresponding to two wage types).