Purpose With this report you can generate Day-one-announcements (EDMs). EDMs areused to register new employees with the tax authority on the hiringdate. EDMs are in XML format. Integration If this report is executed succesfully, a record is created in the B2AManager (transaction PB2A). This can be used to guide subsequent steps. Prerequisites In order to create EDMs, data must be entered in view V_P05T_EDM_PERS. You can do this manually in this view, if no master data have beencreated in the system for this person. If persons have been entered inthe system on time, you should call formcreate_edm_entryuitsubroutinepool RPLEDMN0 during the hiring procedure.You can do this with a dynamic measure. You can check from which data EDMs are created in view V_P05T_EDM_PERS.You can do this by using column "Message feature" in the view. An EDM isgenerated for every person for which this column is empty. In order for EDMs to be generated, you should also save a valid path forparameter HR_NL_EDM_OUT in transaction FILE. Also check the customizingof the B2A Manager parameters DWNLD, PROA1, PROA2 & PROA3 for area AEDMand document type EDMX in table V_T50BK. Features This report creates EDMs with new eligibility for a legal person. In some situations, this is neither necessary nor desirable. Forexample: 1. If an employee moves to a different organizational unit within thecorporate group, when the subnumber (i.e. the last two numbers) of thepayroll taxes number differs from the subnumber of the payroll taxesnumber of the previous organizational unit. 2. In situations involving compulsory, continued employment following amerger or takeover of a company, split or change in legal form. In thesecases, in which the employee is new only in a formal sense, an EDM canbe disregarded. To do this, you should define IMG step LinkLegal Person to Corporate Group>. This is used in FORMcreate_edm_entry (RPLEDMN0). As was the case during the hiringprocedure, this form should be called in the dynamic measure for thetransfer. See Set up dynamic procedure>. Ifyou have performed both changes, no entry in View V_P05T_EDM_PERS willbe created in the cases in question and this report will not createEDMs.Selection Through "Leper" you can select a legal person for generating EDMs.Please remember that you can only generate EDMs if you have thecorresponding authorization for the respective legal person inauthorization object P_NL_AEDM. You should have authorization foractivity '01' ('Add or generate'). In the 'test mode' you can choose between only generating XML data (testmode is ticked) or creating a record in the B2A-manager as well. In the last case, the "Message feature" column of view V_P05T_EDM_PERSwill be updated. Output After creating EDMs a log is displayed. This log has the standardfunctionality of the ALVs. If you click on "Output list" you will see atable overview with the data that will be reported to the tax authority. Activities After executing the report, the XML data have to be sent to the taxauthority. Subsequently, the data have to be zipped to Leper seperately.The file name that is going to be used is indicated in the log. After sending the EDM, you can download the respective responsemessage(s) from the FTP server of the tax authority and process themwith the B2A manager or report RPCEDKN0. You can find the generated data in the path that is indicated intransaction FILE for parameter HR_NL_LA_EDM_OUT. The file name is builtup as follows: EM[Techn. name LEPER][EDM creation date - YYMMTT][Personnel number][SoFinumber].xml,example.EM000106070112345678111111110.xml The zip file name consists of the first 12 characters of the file name(and should contain all data that starts with these 12 characters) Thestructure is as follows: EM[Techn. description LEPER][EDM creation date - YYMMTT].zip, forexample EM0001060701.zip. If you do not use this name it is not possibleto automatically link to response messages. |