Preliminary DME program for advance payment from master data

You can use this program to make advance payments. To do this, the progr
am analyzes the following infotypes:

  • External Bank Transfers (0011)

  • Recurring Payments Deductions (0014)

  • Additional Payment (0015)

  • You can define wage types for advance payments in these infotypes. Ifyou restrict a program payment run to particular wage types, the systemanalyzes only those infotypes that contain the specified wage types.
    The program generates paymentdata that the Financials (FI) payment medium programs processfurther for making advance payments.
    Make sure that you schedule the advance payment from master data firmlyinto your organizational process flows and make the advance paymentbefore payroll.
    For more information about advance payment from master data, see SAPLibrary and choose Human Resources Management -> Payroll[Country] -> Payroll with the SAP System -> Payroll ProcessFlow -> Advance Payments -> Unqualified Advance Payment
    For more information about the infotypes mentioned, see SAP Library andchoose Human Resources Management -> Personnel Management-> Personnel Administration -> Basic Objects and Structuresin Personnel Administration -> Data Structure in PersonnelAdministration -> Infotypes -> Personnel AdministrationInfotypes -> Payroll Data (International).

    Country specific Financials (FI) payment medium programs furtherprocess the payment data to generate payment mediums (for example DMEfiles for the bank or checks). You must start the appropriate paymentmedium program after the preliminary DME program for advance paymentfrom master data has analyzed the infotypes mentioned and generatedthe payment data.


    • You use the wage types, that you define in the infotypes mentioned, to
    • generate advance payments, exclusively for advance payments and alwayspay these wage types using advance payment from master data.
      • In Customizing of Personnel Management you have set up these wage
      • types in such a way that payroll handles them as already paid .
        • You have not yet ended payroll for the payroll period for which you want
        • to make the advance payment.
          • You start payroll at least once more after making advance payments so
          • that the wage type amounts that you used for advance payments can beshown as already paid in the payroll result.


            • The system determines the information about the payee

            • for the External Bank Transfers infotype (0011) either using thepayee data stored in the infotype, or using the Payee Key table(T521B).
              for the Recurring Payments/Deductions (0014) and AdditionalPayment (0015) infotypes using the Bank Details infotype(0009). The system uses the main bank details stored in the last infotyp
              e record whose start date is before or within the specified payrollperiod. The system uses the address data from the Personal Data(0002) and Addresses (0006) infotypes that are displayed in theBank Details infotype (0009). If you have manually overwrittenaddress data in the Bank Details infotype (0009), the system usesthe address data that you changed.
              • The system analyzes the infotypes External Bank Transfers (0011),
              • Recurring Payments/Deductions (0014) and Additional Payment
                (0015) and generates the payment data.
                • The system selects the analyzed infotype records with the payroll period
                • end date that you specify on the selection screen. Depending on theinfotype, you need to note different aspects:

                  External Bank Transfers Infotype (0011)
                  In this infotype you can define periodic payments by specifying a payee.
                  We recommend that you set the Indicate Bank Transfers indicatoron the program selection screen. Then, for advance payment from masterdata, the system selects the infotype with the payroll period end datethat you enter on the selection screen. The system overwrites anyselections that may exist.
                  Therefore, if a periodic payment defined in the External Bank Transf
                  ers infotype (0011) is made for the next period, the system overwrite
                  s the selection for the previous period. The infotype is not automatical
                  ly delimited.
                  During payroll, the system writes payments that you define in theExternal Bank Transfers infotype (0011) to the PaymentInformation (BT) payroll result table.
                  If a payment was made by the advance payment from master data, the syste
                  m transfers the infotype selection to the Payment Informationtable (BT) so that the preliminary DME program for thewage and salary payment no longer takes this payment into account.
                  If a payment was not made by the advance payment from master data, therelevant entry in the Payment Information table (BT) is not selec
                  If you pay wage types from the External Bank Transfers infotype(0011) by advance payment from master data, you must always paythese wage types by advance payment from master data. Alternatingbetween paying the same wage types by advance payment from master dataand by wage and salary payment can cause problems.

                  Recurring Payments/Deductions Infotype (0014)

                  You can define periodic payments in this infotype.
                  We recommend that you set the Indicate Bank Transfers indicatoron the program selection screen. Then, for advance payment from masterdata, the system selects the infotype with the payroll period end datethat you enter on the selection screen. The system overwrites anyselections that may exist.
                  Therefore, if a periodic payment defined in the Recurring Payments/D
                  eductions infotype (0014) is made for the next period, the systemoverwrites the selection for the previous period. The infotype is notautomatically delimited. The system no longer contains any informationabout whether the payment was made for the previous period.
                  During payroll, the system does not write payments that you defin
                  e in the Recurring Payments/Deductions infotype (0014) to thePayment Information payroll result table (BT) and does notcheck whether the advance payment from master data was made for thecurrent period. If the advance payment from master data was not made ina payroll period, the wage types that you define in the Recurring Pa
                  yments/Deductions infotype (0014) are nevertheless deducted from thepayment amount. In this case the payment amount would not be sufficient.

                  Additional Payment Infotype (0015)
                  You can define once-only payments in this infotype. If you want to defin
                  e multiple payments in the Additional Payment infotype (0015),you must create a unique infotype record for each payment.
                  We recommend that you set the Indicate Bank Transfers indicatoron the program selection screen. Then, for advance payment from masterdata, the system selects the appropriate infotype records with thepayroll period end date that you enter on the selection screen. Thesystem then contains information about every payment made.
                  During payroll, the system does not write payments that you defin
                  e in the Additional Payment infotype (0015) to the PaymentInformation payroll result table (BT) and does not checkwhether the advance payment from master data was made for the currentperiod. If the advance payment from master data was not made in a payrol
                  l period, the wage types that you define in the Additional Payment infotype (0015) are nevertheless deducted from the payment amount.In this case the payment amount would not be sufficient.
                  Regardless of the infotype: You cannot retroactively change infotype rec
                  ords that the program selects.

                  The selection screen is country-dependent. The following only describesthe most important parameters.
                  Wage Type
                  Enter all wage types for which the system is to generate an advancepayment. If you restrict a program payment run to particular wage types,the system analyzes only those infotypes that contain the specified wagetypes. You must enter at least one wage type.

                  The program generates a payment run that includes payment data. You canuniquely identify each payment run by the combination of program run dat
                  e and identification feature.
                  The identification feature results from the six-digit system time atwhich you started the program. The system replaces the last digit of thesix-digit system time in the identification feature with a P.
                  You started the program on 14.04.2001 at 9.25.12. You can uniquely ident
                  ify the generated payment run by the combination of program run date (
                  14.04.2001) and identification feature (09251P

1292750DME: Field REGUH-ZIBAN not filled (USA, Canada)
1293316DME: Field REGUH-ZIBAN not filled (Mexico)