Title Preliminary DME program for wage and salary payments Purpose You can use the preliminary DME program to evaluate payroll results inorder to create a database, the so calledpayment data>. Creatingpayment data is the first step in the process of wage and salarypayment. You can also use the preliminary DME program when you want to performseveral part payments within a payroll period for different deadlines(qualified advance payment). The preliminary DME program can evaluate payments with differentpayment methods> in onepayment run. The payment medium programs, that process data created bythe preliminary DME program, select the corresponding data recordsusing the payment method. The preliminary DME program processes not only information from themaster data, but also information from an employee's payroll results.You can find additional information in the following sectionsPayment-Related Information in the Master Data> undPayment-Related Information in the Payroll Results> in the SAPLibrary. Choose Human Resources>-> Payroll>->Subsequent Activities> -> Wage and Salary Payments>.Integration The payment data created by the preliminary DME progam is processed bycountry-specific payment medium programs of Financial Accounting>in order to create payment mediums (for example, DME files for thebank, checks). You have to start this subsequent program after thepreliminary DME program has evaluated the employee payroll results andcreated the payment data.Prerequisites You have ended payroll for the payroll period for which you want toperform the wage and salary payment.(Exception: you execute a qualifiedadvance payment before payroll has ended.) In agreement with Financial Accounting you have checked or made thefollowing settings in Customizing:
- Set up the payment method (in Customizing of Personnel Management
> under Personnel Administration> -> Personal Data> ->Bank Details> -> Define Payment Method>)
- Set up the house bank and house bank account (in Customizing of
Payroll> under Data Medium Exchange> -> PreliminaryPrograms for Data Medium Exchange> -> Set Up HouseBanks>)
- Define the sending bank (using the feature
Bank Details of theSender for Data Medium Exchange (DTAKT)> in Customizing ofPayroll> under Data Medium Exchange> -> Preliminaryprogram for Data Medium Exchange> -> DefineSending Banks>)
- Define the paying company code if you do not want to use the company
code stored in the Organizational Assginment (0001)> infotype(use the featureBank Details of theSender for Data Medium Exchange (DTAKT)> in Customizing ofPayroll > under Data Medium Exchange> -> Preliminary Programs forData Medium Exchange> -> Define Sending Banks>).
- Assign the text key for the payment transactions to transfer wage types
(in Customizing of Payroll> under Data Medium Exchange > -> Preliminary Programs for Data Medium Exchange> ->Check Text Keys for Payment Transactions> ). This assignment is not necessary in all country versions.Features The preliminary DME program reads the table Payment Information>(BT) for each current original event for the employees processed in apayment run in the payroll results. For each entry in this table the system executes the following steps:
- The system determines the information about the payee
from the entry in table Payment information >(BT) from table Payee Key> (T521B) when the entry in the tablePayment information> (BT) contains a payee key from infotypes Personal Data> (0002) and Address>(0006),when the entry in table Payment information>(BT) contains neithera payee key nor payee data
- The system evaluates the feature
Bank Details of theSender for Data Medium Exchange (DTAKT)> in order to determine thefollowing information: paying company code house bank house bank account
- The system reads the field Payment Notes> in table Payment
information>(BT): If the field Payment Notes> is filled, the content of the fieldis transferred to the payment data. If the field Payment Notes> is not filled, the following text isused: "Wage/salary", , <(> <<)>Payroll Period> or "Pension", , <(> <<)>Payroll Period>.
- The system determines the payment currency:
If the field Payment Currency> in table Payment Information > (BT) contains a value this is used for the payment. If the field Payment Currency> in table Payment Information > (BT) does not contain a currency, the currency for the payment istaken from the field Currency> in table Status Information ofPayroll> (VERSC).
- The system reads the sort code of the house bank and the recipient bank
from table Bank Master Record> (BNKA).
- The system checks the payment data for consistency. If there is a
payment with inconsistent data for an employee, the system does notperform a payment for this employee.
- For every entry in the table Payment Information> (BT) the system
creates an entry in the payment data. If a payment run was not performed correctly (for example because of aprogram termination) you have to repeat this payment run>.Prerequisite for the following procedure is that you have set theindicator Identify Transfers> when creating the payment run. Make the same settings in the selection screen of the preliminary DMEprogram that you made when creating the original payment run. In addition, enter the date and time of the payment run to be repeatedin the input fields Repeat Run: Date> and Time>. Inputting this entry means that the system evaluates the entries in thetable Payment Information>(BT) that the preliminary DME programhas indicated with the date and time, but whose date and time agreeswith your entries in the input fields Repeat Run: Date > andTime>. If you only want to evaluate the entries in table PaymentInformation>(BT) that have been selected, set the indicator onlyselected records>. If you do not set this indicator, the system also evaluates the entriesin table Payment Information>(BT) that are not indicated withdate and time. Choose Execute>. RESET N1 If you do not know the date and time of the payment run to be repeated,proceed as follows: Using program Display Payroll Results>(Report H99_DISPLAY_PAYRESULT) display one payroll result (for anyemployee) that was evaluted for the original payment run. Display the table Payment Information>(BT). Choose an entry from table Payment Information>(BT) which thepreliminary DME program had indicated with time and date when creatingthe original payment run. Note the values in the fields Date> and Time> in order toenter them in the selection sreen of the preliminary DME program in theRepeat Run: Date> and Time> fields.Selection The selection screen of the preliminary DME program iscountry-dependent. The following describes only the most importantinternational parameters. Indicate Transfers> We recommend that you set this indicator. It ensures that the systemmarks every processed entry from table Payment Information> (BT)with date and time in order to indicate them for later payment runs as"processed". This prevents entries in table Payment Information>from being processed again by accident. When payroll is repeated, afteryou have performed the preliminary DME program, the system does notoverwrite those entries indicated with the date and time, but insteadperforms a difference calculation. For this reason you must set theindicator Indicate Transfers> if you want to perform qualifedadvanced payments. Wage Type> You can use this input field to limit a payment run to a certain wagetype, in order for example, to pay wage types created for externaltransfers> (Infotype 0011) separately from employee salaries. Test> When you set this indicator the system only displays the payments to beperformed as a result of the payment run. It does not create anypayment data and does not change any data in the payroll results.Standard_variants Output The preliminary DME program creates a payment run that contains paymentdata. You can clearly identify each payment run through the combinationof Program run date> and Identifiction feature>. TheIdentification feature> results from the six-figure system timewhen you started the preliminary DME program. In the identificationfeature the system replaces the last character of the six-figure systemtime with a P>. Example: You started the preliminary DME program on 04.14.2001 at9.25.12. You can identify the payment run created by the combination ofthe program run date (14.04.2001>>) and the identificationfeature (09251P>>). The payment data from a payment run is stored in the following tables:
- Control Records for the Payment Program> (REGUV)
- Payment Data from the Payment Program> (REGUH)
- Processed Items from the Payment Program> (REGUP)
The data in these tables is further processed by the payment mediumprogram in Financial Accounting. You can find further information inthe SAP Library. Choose Financials > -> Financial Accounting> -> Accounts Payable> -> FI Accounts Receivable andAccounts Payable> -> Payments>.