Programme SAP RPCDMFB0 - DMFA report

This report enables you to generate/update multifunctional declarations(DMFA) on a quarterly basis, containing the following information:

  • Personal data

  • Payroll and time data

  • Social insurance contributions

  • Social insurance reductions
  • Integration
    This report is used in combination with report DMFA TemSe viewer(RPUDMVB0), which helps you convert the newlygenerated TemSe file to XML.

    Before executing this report, do the following:

    • Customizing

    • Check whether you have correctly defined the relevant deductions byperforming the following activities:
      Social Insurance > Multifunctional Declaration (DMFA) > Master Data >Maintain Additional SI Contributions.
      Social Insurance > Multifunctional Declaration (DMFA) > Evaluations >Maintain Deductions.
      • HR Master Data maintenance

      • Check DMFA-relevant data in the following infotypes:
        Planned working time (0007)
        Contract elements (0016)
        Social insurance Belgium (0100)
        • Payroll data

        • The payroll results to be reported must be available in the followingcluster tables, which are included in the Belgian payroll resultsstructure (PAYBE_NATIONAL):
          Personal data table (PERM)
          Employment table (SVEVL)
          Service code table (SVSER)
          Remuneration code table (SVREM)

          You can make various selections according to time-dependent andorganizational needs. Note that if you do not enter a personnel numberof a selection of personnel numbers, the system retrieves all personnelnumbers (not recommended for larger companies).
          In addition, you can enter DMFA-specific selection criteria, asdescribed below:

          • Global data

          • Declaration quarter and year
            Quarter and year for which you want to create the SI declaration.
            Payroll period for which you want to create the SI declaration.
            Generation date
            Date on which the declaration file is generated.
            Employer SI number
            Social insurance registration number that uniquely identifies anemployer at the National Office for Social Security.
            Type of declaration
            Per default, the DMFA report generates a normal declaration. However, ifyou select Update declaration or Consult request, you mustspecify a date for the payroll results.
            Sel. date payroll
            Date on which the payroll results are selected.
            Test mode
            Set this indicator if you want to perform a test run. In this case, thedata is not written to the relevant TemSe table.
            Activate B2A
            Set this indicator if you want to trigger the Business-to-Administrationworkflow (B2A). The B2A Manager is an international transaction forhandling file transfers between companies and administrations.
            B2A Text
            Free text field used for tracking purposes in theBusiness-to-Administration workflow (B2A).
            • Other

            • Reference number
              Reference number of the declaration. This field is optional. If notmaintained, the reference number is automatically generated by thesystem.
              Redo balance method
              Set this indicator if you want to reprocess the balance method for allemployees with a fixed or variable workschedule. If not set, the systemonly reprocesses the days of the service codes for employees with avariable workschedule.
              Declare hours
              Set this indicator to report hours in the service records for allemployees. The corresponding structural and Rosetta reductions will thenbe computed based on hours instead of days.
              Do not set this indicator if you want to report hours only for specialemployee categories, for example, part-time employees.
              Check hours service vs. planned
              Set this indicator to check the hours you have reported against theoriginally planned hours.
              Update all employees
              Set this indicator to update all employees. If you do not, onlyemployees with retrocalculations will be taken into account.
              • User exits

              • User file
                Enter the path of the user exit file you want to upload. To view itscontent, click the Display file content button.
                XML format
                Set this indicator if you want to convert the user exit file to XML.

                The output is a file in TemSe format (flat file), where each linecorresponds to a DMFA section. To view the TemSe file, double-click itand choose Yes when prompted.
                The newly created TemSe, which is stored in the TemSe directory andwhich you can access via the transaction List of TemSeobjects, reflects the DMFA structure. Click a line to view itsdetails.
                You can generate the corresponding XML file from here by clicking therelevant button, whereafter you are prompted to confirm the suggestedpath and file name.

994728DMFA: Empty RSZRR can cause B2A/Status Handler error, must b
572286FAQ: DMFA
902683DMFA Update. Conversion report for CUNP/WR deletion error
891907DMFA Update: error on changed/deleted CUNP
787827DMFA - error for fulltime career interruption
756073DMFA: Include structure for deductions details -> user exit
520716DMFA 2003 project
747797DMFA: Limitation of the maximum reduction amount
701213DMFA: Students with no work days in SVEVL split (WRKDD=0)
657344DMFA: errors in function module 'HR_BE_DAQ_DEDUCTION'
649569DMFA-Report: Enlarge BECOT with RSZNR
641653DMFA-Report: Employer contributions, wage types not substr.
635904DMFA-Report: Employer class for unrelated NP contribution
617580DMFA-Report: Generate Receipt File for a Notification
620460DMFA-Report: Do not create error 000 message for Remes = 3
619667DMFA-Report: Include Employer contribution at the end of XML
619449DMFA-Report: Overtime hours are summed to overtime days
618560DMFA-Report: WorkDaySystem for full time career interrupt.
617539DMFA-Report: Structural Reductions and full time interrupt.
604858DMFA-Report: Check amounts and days belong to correct range
616843DMFA-Report: Contribution type is empty for basic contrib.
612821DMFA-Report: Generate GO file and default names for files
598942DMFA-Report: Balance method is not recomputed in some cases
613013DMFA-Report: end contract is filled whithout reason
611098DMFA-Report: Allow possibility to avoid empty fields in XML
611211DMFA-Report: Allow PERSG/PERSK in feature BMOSI
610735DMFA-Report: Worked days for a student
604726DMFA-Report: Feature BECOT
608383DMFA-Report: Include report in the menu
606781DMFA-Report: Distinguish between Test and Productive TemSE
607096DMFA-Report: Problems in statistic pop up
603977DMFA Report: ReHire the next day
604086DMFA-Report: Include consistency checks
603725DMFA Report: Natural Person, problems with adress fields
603189DMFA Report: Mean working hours for career interruption
603164DMFA Report: First Worker Record of User File is not taken
594032Review Balance Method