Programme SAP RPCDEAE0 - Delt@ - PAT electronic notifications

1548442SAP_HR CLC-ES 2011-2
1071282CONSULT: List of tags for Spain notes.
1546477Delt@: Report RPCDEAE0 wrongly processing subtype '0003'
1445441Delt@: Accident hour is being wrongly increased in one hour
1392255Delt@: Changes missing in the view V_T5E08 for release 500
1356126Problems in the Delt@ XML file generated - entity code
1347570ES28.11: Delt@ - Error in XML data for work center
1260701ES28.3: Wrong period calculation of the seniority for Delt@
1260784ES28.3: The employee contract type is missing in Delt@ XML
1242051ES28.2: Delt@ - Duplicate data for different employees
1126222ES27.5: Information source for some fields in Delt@ report