Description The social document C 3.2 is given to the employee in case of temporaryunemployment caused by economical reasons or bad weather conditions. The employer has to give this document to the employee at last on thefirst day of the temporary unemployment. The document has first to begiven a number by the National Unemployment Service; than it must benoted in a validation book. The document is given in twofold: the first serving as a control card,the second as allocation demand. The employee keeps the document untilthe end of the month and notes all working days. These are confirmed bythe employer at the end of the month. Precondition The month of delivery printed on the document is determined from thelast day of the period selected. The gross salary is derived from the payroll results; beware that thereexist results within the period selected. The following selection parameters have to be given: the indication that the document serves as controle card or the indication that the document serves as allocation demand, a fixed amount that should be added to the gross salary beforeprinting, a percentage used to calculate the gross salary printed. Output Only the contents of the document are printed, no background isforeseen. Therefore, pre-printed forms delivered by the NationalUnemployment Service should always be used. |