Programme SAP RPCBWMB0 - FINPROF - Advance Tax Declaration

This report enables you to create the FINPROF Advance Tax Declaration.The XML-file will be stored in the Temse.


  • The DAQ tables should be filled correctly.

  • The feature TAX declaration: Closing payroll period of actual tax
  • period (BETAX)has to be maintained for thespecified tax year.
    • IMG: Maintain node 'Assign Wagetype to Tax
    • declaration'

      The PNP selection will be used to find out the list of employees todeclare.
      The part Declare record from selection list will be used tofilter out the records who do not comply with the settings made in thisblock. Only those employee records which fulfill the criteria for thekey elements Company Code and/or Fiche 274 Code willremain. For this purpose, the following selection fields are available:
      The field Company Code is an organizational unit withinfinancial accounting.
      In the field Fiche 274 Code, you can enter the monthly taxdeclaration fiche number. This fiche number is a code of 5 charactersfor the electrionic declaration wtih serial number 274.xx.. For example27410.
      The part Global Data contains the following fields:
      In the field Income year, you can enter the INCOMEyear for which you want to generate the Belcotax declaration. This isusually the year IN which the reported income was paid.
      The Total over all periods is an indicator which enablesyou to make either cumulation over the specified periods or declare eachperiod individually. If it is checked, all payroll results are takeninto account, even if they were already declared to the tax office.
      The Generation date is the date on which the declarationfile is generated.
      The Testmodus allows you to run the Belcotaxdeclaration report in test mode.
      The field Activate B2A is an indicator which enables you totrigger the Business-to-Administration workflow (B2A). The free textfield B2A Description is used for tracking purposes in theBusiness-to-Administration workflow (B2A).
      The field Check B2A and status handler is an indicator whichenables you to turn off checks on the status handler andBusiness-to-Administration workflow (B2A).

      The report generates an XML-file which is stored in the Temse. It can beshown by double clicking on the Company Id and Company name in the log.In case you run the report for more than one company at once, therewill be only one Temse-file generated. Irrespective of the company youselect, the results of all companies are shown.