Programme SAP RPCBKMD0 - Construction Industry: SFP Employee Statement

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The report Create Statements for Social Fund Procedure reportcreates the employee statement and the statement of employment periodsin the construction industry. When you start the report, the statementsdue in the period are created automatically. When a statement iscreated, a flag is also created to ensure that they are not createdmore than once.
Additional parameters
Repeat statements - Statements that have been flagged as Createdafter being generated, are created again.
Test run - Creates the statements in the test mode. They cannotbe printed. The statements can only be checked with the screen display.They are not flagged as 'Created'.
Output options
Determine sender by - The feature determines the formatting ofthe address.
Print specs
Employee statement - Name of SAPScript form for the employeestatement
Employment statement - Name of SAPScript form for the statementof employment.
Output device - Name of the printer.
Change print parameters - The user can change in printparameters in a dialog box.