Programme SAP RPCBETA1 - Payroll for Local Tax Office

This report assists you in carrying out accounting with the local taxoffice.

The report evaluates the payroll results (Cluster RA) that you createdduring payroll using the report RPCALCA0 and theschema A000.
The report creates a list of amounts that you are required to pay tothe tax office. The list includes the following:

  • Employer contribution to the family equalization fund [FLAF]

  • Additional employer contribution

  • Withheld employment tax

  • Family allowances and bonuses that have been paid out

  • The report issues both an internal list and an official SAPscript

    Before you can run the report, you must have fulfilled the followingprerequisites:

    • In Customizing for Personnel Administration under
    • Organizational Data -> Organizational Assignment you musthave processed the section Organizational Assignment SupplementAustria. Here you must have entered and saved your company's address(company name, personnel area/personnel subarea, street, house number,postal code, and city).
      • You have maintained the constants in the table Payroll Constants
      • (T511K):
        DGFLA (Percentage applied to the employer's contribution basefor FLAF)
        DGFLZ (Percentage applied to the employer's contribution basefor the additional FLAF contribution)
        DGFL1 (Percentage applied to the employer's contribution basefor the additional FLAF contribution for the municipality ofVorarlberg)
        DGFL2 (Percentage applied to the contribution base to calculatethe additional FLAF employer contribution for Kaernten)
        DGFL3 (Percentage applied to the contribution base to calculatethe additional FLAF employer contribution for Upper Austria)
        • If you want to post the retroactive accounting differences from
        • previous calendar years in special periods, the posting date must bemaintained in the view Period-Dependent Date Specifications. Toedit this view, in Customizing for Payroll Austria underReporting for Posting to Accounting -> Activities in theHR-System perform the step Maintain Posting Date for PayrollPeriods.
          • You have run payroll successfully.

          • During payroll, the base for accounting with the tax office wasdetermined in line with the the tax office regulations (wage types/681, /682, /683, and /684 - see below). Thus, a data set was createdthat the report, in turn, uses as a base. The data set contains thefollowing wage types:
            Cumulated wage type /681 (the number field contains the cumulated baseand the total amount field contains the cumulated employee-relatedamount of the employer FLAF contribution).
            Cumulated wage type /682 (the number field contains the cumulated baseand the total amount field contains the cumulated employee-relatedadditional employer FLAF contribution)
            Cumulated wage type /683 (the amount field contains theemployee-related employment tax)
            Cumulated wage type /684 (the amount field contains the cumulatedemployee-related family allowance)

            Evaluation Control/Selection
            The Payroll period field (payroll period number and payrollyear) and the Payroll area field are closely related. Choose oneof the following possible entries for the fields:

            • Payroll area without period and year

            • Enter one or more payroll period(s)
              The system determines the previous payroll period for each payroll areaselected from the control record. The system reads the control recordfrom table T569V. While determining the previous payroll period, thesystem also determines the exact dates of the period from table T549Q.The system uses the dates to read date-related tables.
              • Payroll area with period and year

              • Enter one or more payroll areas, the payroll period, and the payrollyear (from table T549Q).
                For each selected payroll area, the system determines the payrollperiod and the payroll year as well as the exact dates of the period.The system uses these dates to read date-related tables.
                In addition, you can further restrict the selection by selecting thePersonnel number and Employment status.

                Posting to accounting
                If you want to post the amounts to accounting, activate theTransfer field. If this field is activated, the system creates aposting run in the posting run overview and places it under thecategory AP Posting Tax/SI Austria.
                To display the posting run overview, chose the following menu path fromthe SAP Easy Access screen: Human Resources ->Payroll -> Per Payroll Period -> Payroll ->Posting to Accounting -> Process Run. If you chooseHelp -> Application Help from the overview, you getgeneral information on processing posting runs.
                If you use external company codes, that is company codes that are in aanother system, create an entry for this company code in the tableT52EX (Transfer to FI/CO: External posting area 3.X). For moreinformation on this procedure, see the Implementation Guide forPayroll Austria -> Reporting for Posting to Accounting ->Special Scenarios -> Posting for Previous Relseases ->Set Up Export to R/2 System or R/3 System < 4.0 ATemSe file is created for the posting records of these company codes.
                In the report selection screen, enter the symbolic account for theposting to creditors in the Symbol. account for vendor scrfield. You can search for the creditor's account number. To search, thesystem transfers the tax office number from the table T5A2F (TaxOffice (A))to the posting document. For more information on thisprocedure, see the in IMG for Payroll Austria, sectionReporting for Posting to Accounting, stepsDefine Symbolic Accounts andAssign to Creditors.
                In the report selection screen, enter the clearing account's symbolicaccount in the Symbol. accnt f. financial accnt field.
                If you want to post retroactive accounting differences from theprevious calendar year to special periods, you must activate thePosting date acc. to table field.
                You can also create simulation posting documents and reverse createdpostings.

                The report issues the date as a overview tree with two levels. Usingthis tree, you can check to ensure that the data was printed on theofficial form: (This check list is only for internal purposes.)

                • The data determined by the report is displayed in the main nodes. This
                • data is then sent to the administration as an official form.
                  • The subnodes display the data on the level of individual personnel
                  • numbers. You can use this data to check the data in the main nodes.

                    Internal list
                    The ABAP List Viewer is used to display the internal list. You canformat the list individually. To do this, the following genericfunctions are available:

                    • Sort list according to various column criteria

                    • Display/Hide columns

                    • Change column width

                    • Formation of totals using value columns

                    • Formation of group totals according to various criteria

                    • Filter

                    • Detail view of list line

                    • Mail connection

                    • Excel download

                    • Word download
                    • List header
                      The header is formatted dynamically. You can specify the sort fieldsfor the header as follows:
                      Choose Sort ascend. order or Sort descend. order in thelist.
                      The system displays the Define Sort window.
                      In the Field list, select the sort fields for the header.
                      Choose Show Selected Fields.
                      In the table Sort Fields enter * for each sort field inthe column GC (Group change)
                      Choose OK.

                      Display variants
                      Using the display variants you can change the formatting of the headersitem lines. In additions you form totals using the header fields andthe item line fields. Thus, you can account for employee-relatedrounding differences in the list.
                      You can only form subtotals over headers. For this reason, you can onlyformat the title using the fields in the header.
                      After processing the list, you can save the format that suits yourrequirements as a display variant. To do this, choose Settings-> Display Variants
                      -> Save ... from the processed list.
                      For more information on the ABAP List Viewer, see Help ->SAP Library -> CA - Cross-Application
                      Components -> General Application Functions -> ABAP ListViewer.

                      Official list
                      The official list is printed as a SAPscript form. If required,you can change the SAP standard default form to meet your company'srequirements. To do this, perform the step in Customizing forPayroll Austria under Accounting for Administrations andInstitutions -> Evaluations for Tax Offices -> Set UpSAPscript Form for Accounting with Local Tax Office.
                      After you have adjusted the SAPscript form, enter the name ofyour form in the Form for official lists field in the reportselection screen.

                      Printing the lists

                      • If you print online, you can choose to print either the official SAP

                      • script form or the internal check list. The checklist is printedin the current, standard format.
                        To print online, choose Print from the output screen.
                        You reach the dialog screen Print Options. Here you can choosewhether the official form or the internal list is printed.
                        • If you print in the background, the official forms and the check lists
                        • are printed. If you do not want the check list to be printed, enter thevalue 02SAP in the Variant for internal list field in thereport selection screen. In this display variant, the internal checklist serves as an overview list for all created forms that wereprinted.

                          Output device

                          • The official forms are printed on the printer that you specified in the
                          • report selection screen in Output device: official list field.
                            • The internal check list is printed on the printer that you specified
                            • when you created the print job.