Programme SAP RPCBDAPT0PBS - Public Administration Human Resources' Database (BDAP)

You use this report to create an XML file that you send to be stored inthe Public AdministrationHuman Resources' Database (BDAP).
The file is divided into sections, referred to as information blocks,that contain information about the employee, the public organization,and places of work. The information blocks have specific fields for eachtype of data that needs to be filled with information that the systemstores in the employee master data and defined in the Customizingsettings.
The report generates a file for all employees of an organization in theform of a scenario. A scenario is based on the employee situation andthe employee subgroup to which the employee is assigned. The scenariosare divided into subscenarios that are based on employee status andmaster data.

The system retrieves data for the information blocks from the followinginfotypes:
0000 Actions (C, F1, N)
0001 Organizational Assignment (C, F, I)
0007 Planned Working Tine (L)
0008 Basic Pay (G, G1)
0022 Education (O)
0041 Date Specifications (B1, G1)
0052 Wage Maintenance (G)
0331 Tax PT (B)
0899 Mobility (C, D, E, F)
2001 Absences (F1)

You have recorded all necessary employee data in the correspondinginfotypes.
You need to define a sending entity (the organization that isresponsible for sending the BDAP report in block A) inCustomizing for Payroll by choosing Payroll: Portugal ->Reporting and Statistics -> Entities and Properties -> Define entities
and Maintain properties for entities.
It is necessary that you define the Organization ID, ServiceCode, and Workplace Code of the sending entity.
To ensure that the data in the file is complete and accurate, you needto ensure that the system settings are defined in Customizing forPayroll by choosing Payroll: Portugal -> Enhancements forPublic Sector Portugal -> Performance Evaluation ->

  • Basic Settings ->

  • Define Professional Groups
    Define Legal Relationships
    • Public Administration Database (BDAP) ->

    • It is necessary to map values in the standard system to the special datarequired by BDAP.
      Public Administration Database (BDAP)
      Define Information for Scenarios
      Define Scenarios and Legal Relationships (B, F)
      Map Country Codes and Nationalities (B)
      Define Functional Groups (I)
      Define Functional Areas (I)
      Define Service Codes for Organizations (A, C, D
      , E)
      Assign Workplace Codes to Service Codes (A, C,D, E)
      Assign Work Schedules and Models to Employee Groups (L)
      -> Career and Professional Data -> (G
      Define Careers for Professional Groups
      Define Career Categories
      Define Professional Roles
      Map BDAP Professional Categories
      Assign Evaluation Classes (J1, J2, J3,J4, L1)
      -> Education Data -> (O)
      Map Educational Levels
      Define Subject Area Groups
      Define Subject Area Subgroups
      Define Subject Areas
      Map Education Data
      Map Absence Types (M, F1)
      Map Reasons for Actions (F1, G, N)
      You have created pay scale groups and levels and assigned index valuesto these groups and levels in Customizing for for Payroll bychoosing Payroll: Portugal -> Enhancements for Public SectorPortugal -> Valuation -> Define Pay Scale Groups and Levels for theinformation provided in block G1.


      • Sending Entity

      • It is mandatory that you provide the organization code that is sendingthe BDAP report. All employees must belong to this organization.
        • Sequential Number

        • If you want to increase the sequential sending number of BDAP, on theintial selection screenm, choose the Increase Sequential Numberindicator. If you do not choose this indicator, the system uses thecurrent sending number (starting with zero).
          You can maintain the sequential number (SNRO) by editing theHRPT_BD_NR object.
          • Output Details

          • Select the output option Detailed Log if you want to have thedetails of each information block for each employee listed after you runthe report. Select Generate Temse File to create a temse file ofthe BDAP document.
            Use the HR-PT: TemSe Display/Download Utility to viewthe report and download it as an XML file.

            The XML file contains the following information blocks:
            A,,,,Sending Entity
            B,,,,Employee Data
            B1,,Seniority in Public Sector
            C,,,,Functional Organization
            D,,,,Origin Organization
            E ,,Paying Organization
            F,,,,Contractual Regulations
            F1,,Interruption of Functions
            G ,,Professional Situation
            G1,,Functional Agents
            H ,,Profession
            I ,,,,Functional Area
            J1,,Basic Pay
            J2,,Regular Supplements
            J3,,Family Allowances
            J4,,Services Remuneration
            L ,,Schedule

1222993Evaluation classes 18, 19 and 20 replaced
1073524HCM PT PS: BDAP - Public Admin. Human Resources Data Base