Programme SAP RPCATPV0 - Norwegian annual tax statement preparation

This program prepares the data used for annual tax reporting.
Payroll results, additional information from infotype "Manual taxreporting information (0419)", and an optional external file is used tomap the payments of employees to the according tax codes that have tobe reported to the authorities.

Tax code information can be created for all selected employees that areemployed within the selected reporting year.

The ouptput of this program is a temporary sequential file thatcontains all reporting relevant tax code information. Additionalinformation is provided on posted values (wagetypes) to check againstcreated tax codes, information on dropped information due to employeesbeing below a certain income level, and a company overview showingemployer specific values.
The TemSe file can directly be used to produce the tape to be sent tothe authorities as well as to print out the forms informing allemployees.
An error list gives information on missing customizing data andinconsistencies on employee's master and payroll data.

This program relies on customizing data you have to check and provideby the according steps in the implementation guide under Payrollaccounting Norway -> Annual tax reporting. Please see furtherinformation there.

External file structure
External data can be provided using a file containing information withthe following line structure. The data is read and mapped to tax codelines that are processed internally as well as written to the TemSe.
orgno(11) TYPE n Organization's number
pernr(8) TYPE n Personnel number
ltkod(4) TYPE c Tax code
belop5(8) TYPE n Main amount of the tax code
sgn5(1) TYPE c Sign of main amount
belop1(8) TYPE n Additional amount T1
sgn1(1) TYPE c Sign of additional amount T1
antall(6) TYPE n Number of the tax code
sgna(1) TYPE c Sign of number
land(3) TYPE c Country
aar(4) TYPE n Year
bolig(6) TYPE c Dwelling (used before 1999 only)
belop2(8) TYPE n Additional amount T2
sgn2(1) TYPE c Sign of additional amount T2
begdm(4) TYPE n Begin of reporting time interval
enddm(4) TYPE n End of reporting time interval
andag(3) TYPE n Days in reporting time interval
belop3(8) TYPE n Additional amount T3
sgn3(1) TYPE c Sign of additional amount T3
belop4(8) TYPE n Additional amount T4
sgn4(1) TYPE c Sign of additional amount T4
div1(4) TYPE n Diverse field 1
div2(2) TYPE n Diverse field 2
rfdnm(11) TYPE n Reference birth number
type(4) TYPE c Type
ftext(50) TYPE c Free text
Please use 'Loennsinnberetning paa maskinlesbart medium' for detailedinformation how to use these fields. The fields have been set up forthe widest range of usage. They represent fields used in recordtypes 4, 5, and 6 as described in the specification document bySkattedirektoratet.

365265HR-NO: Annual tax report year 2000