Programme SAP RPCALCE0 - Spanish Payroll

This report performs a complete payroll, by period, and stores theresults.
It takes the tasks form the conventional payroll program. It contains ageneral process control and cumulation of the programmed modules thatare related to the payroll. The driver itself carries out the basicpayroll process, processing payroll schema statements sequentially andinterpreting the control tables. This report performs a completepayroll, by periods, and stores the results.
This payroll driver interprets table T52C0 (T52C1) schemas and table52C5 rules (payroll rules).

1628690RPCALCE0 cancelación "(00.00.0000) is not a valid date"
1605231Limit of EUR 120.000,00 for irregular incomes(18.2) II
1548442SAP_HR CLC-ES 2011-2
1356528ES28.11: Incorrect reduction PTPAR for RED 2009/07 - Item 2
1562704RPCALCE0 is not considering some handicap indicators
1540596Garnishment-Cash Payment is wrongly recording /GMB into BT
1546144CALC: Error with ERE bonification leading to DUMP
1533214CALC: Error in indirect evaluation for artists
1532471CALC: Wrong prorate calculation in inactive periods
1534767CALC: Error reading constant CC3BC
1535627CALC: Incorrect minimum contribution basis for part time
1525703CALC: Wrong unemployment contribution for training contract
1516532CALC: Error in contributions for training contracts with VND
1483712Problems in prorate calculation of non-recurring payments
1490435Wrong employee data is being considered reading IRPF tax
1477998Double days of ERE are being added in the wage-type /3BA
1470996Wage-type /3P9 is greater than monthly maximum for artists.
1441012Payroll function ECCHK duplicating wage type /556
1463270IRPF is not considering applied percentage for expatriates
1452710RPCALCE0: Indirect Evaluation error with seniority
1454556Garnishment: Split deductions exceed the deductable limit
1446629Dump while running off-cycle payroll with garnishment
1428205EPRO1 is not taken into account the additional payments
1157239ES27.10: Average contribution basis for paternity leave
1421939Fixed Bonifications higher than Company Contribution
1254571CONSULT.: HRMS España - Nota de Notas Version 2
1390202ERE next month treatment not working properly
1357852Bonifications and VND collision not working properly
1356594Problems generating partial maternity in the EDSS0
1349541ES28.11:ERE days in case of overlapping with another absent.
1273156ES28.4: Bonification amount bigger than Company contribution
1005709ES26.5: Short dump in the program RPCALCE0.
1168510ES28: Difference between RPCTC0E0 and RPCALCE0 in /3CS.
1148554ES27.10: Number of hours for partial time employees with ERE
1156250ES27.9:Unemployment Contributions for contract 540 changed
1132334ES27.6: Taxes calculation rounding error
1128438ES27.6: Copying RPCALCE0 leads to dump II
925862NC037: Nivel de Corrección 037 - Contenido (No CRT)
787258HR SP ES25: Cambio 09
182921CONSULT.: Afiliación
650248HR SP ES24 - Cambio 03
638217CONSULT: Nueva funcionalidad del report RPIGA0E0
564524HR SP ES23 - Contenido - Content Description
591460HR SP ES23: Cambio 32
574690Determination of the payment date in old results
598835CONSULT.: Rechazos en función de nómina EST00
497461NC013: Nivel de Corrección 013 - Contenido
351380CONSULT: Fecha de inicio para S.S.- Corr. manual
73562CONSULT.: Base reguladora y cambio de topes
80851CONSULT.: Cotiz. mensual para empleados diarios
104652CONSULT.: Syntax error in RPCALCE0 after upgrade