Programme SAP RPCAIDP0 - HR-PT: Annual Income Declaration

HR-PT: Annual Income Declaration

The Annual Income Declaration provides the General Direction of Taxes(Direcção Geral dos Impostos) with a list of all payments made and taxamounts withheld for every employee classified with the following incomecategories:

  • A - employees with income from dependent work

  • H - pensioners

  • Data from other income categories are imported from the FI component andintegrated with the data provided by HR.

    For the integration between HR and FI data, see note 162177 in theOnline Service System.


    • You have run the payroll and its resulting data are stored in the
    • cluster table.
      • All wage types referring to union contributions relevant for the Annual
      • Income Declaration have been maintained with the evaluation class 12 andthe value 29.
        • The entity properties are defined and configured according to the IMG
        • activities Define entities andMaintain entity properties.



          • Printed form - this report prints on the MOD.10 (official form provided
          • by the Direcção Geral dos Impostos)
            • Eletronic format - it complies with the instructions provided in the
            • MOD.10.

1428171RPCAIDP0: Other deductions for Social Security customizing
1301223RPCAIDP0, RPCIIDP0: Reporting of incomes from previous year
1322534RPCIIDP0: Incomes from /111 wage type reported in category A
1302323RPCAIDP0, RPCIIDP0: Personnel areas without legal person
1297578RPCIIDP0: Duplicate Income lines in the output
1265045HR-PT: improvements in PDF output for RPCIIDP0 report
1229334RPCAIDP0 and RPCIIDP0 improvements
1145684RPCAIDP0: other deductions for Soc. Sec. contributions.
1147206Missing code in function HR_PT_GET_ENTITY for 4.6C version
1145300RPCAIDP0: J02 when Income and Deduction values are zero.
1143880RPCAIDP0: previous years calc for SS contrib. and union dues
1137030RPCAIDPO and RPCIIDPO: correction of negative values.
1127132New fields and records to Annual Income Declaration report
1043684HR-PT: RPCAIDP0 (Annual Income Declaration)
1017738HT-PT: Legal Change Annual Income Declaration
928930HR-PT: RPCAIDP0 - Pre-retirement income category H
830457HR-PT: Header and trailer records for "Anexo J/Modelo 10"
811311HR-PT: Annual Income Declaration - Electronic file
176266HR-EURO - Change of payroll currency before 2002 (Portugal)
305683HR-PT: New Elect. format for RPCAIDP0 - Attach. J