Programme SAP RPCAFIE0 - Affiliation message

1620308TemSe button wrongly appearing for TC, AFI, and FDI reports
1616801AFI: file generation using incorrect percentage value
936171HR SP ES26: Cambio 75
1071282CONSULT: List of tags for Spain notes.
1526196SAP_HR CLC-ES 2011-1
1535315AFI: Updates methods in RPCAFIE0 for different segments
1494857RDL 2010/10: RED 2010/07 and RED 2010/09
1476473AFI: Automatism is not working for employees with no inf.799
1360683AFI - End date of VNDS and fields in FAB segment
1457374Unemployed field is not being filled correctly in automatism
1468151AFI:"Error on simulating employee payroll" but payroll works
1458849AFI: Employees with errors are being marked as Sent in 0799
1449910AFI: Employees with errors are being added in the TemSe file
1449387AFI: Invalid consistency check for relief contracts
1443182AFI: FCT shows incorrect dates for vacations not enjoyed
1442832AFI: 0799-INACT - "Enter a valid value"
1441825AFI: Report does not generate DAM segment for firefighters
1409985RED 2009/15 - Changes in affiliation - Corrections I
1401115RED 2009/15 - Changes in affiliation
1278154ES28.11: Affiliation Message (AFI) - Changes in RPCAFIE0
1021657CONSULT.: HRMS España - Nota de Notas
1311838ES28.8: AFI - Not calculating correctly the end date of VNDs
1158471ES27.9: CCC Filter for RPCAFIE0
1231368ES28: Additional correction for note 1172262 in system 46C
1226486ES28: Search help for field MOTAFI is missing in RPCAFIE0
1177935ES27.11: AFI - Errors treatment for FCT segment in RPCAFIE0
1155823ES27.9: RPCAFIE0 not working correctly with ACT action
1129985ES27.6: RPCAFIE0 generating results for blocked employee
897588HR SP ES26: Cambio 40
973480ES26.2: Log Display Correction in Report RPCAFIE0
943077HR SP ES26 - Cambio 86
856746HR SP ES26 - Contenido - Content Description
951854HR SP ES26: AFI, Change 102
924451HR SP ES26: Cambio 63