Programme SAP RPCADSPT0PBS - Payment Guide ADSE

This report lists the health expenses registered in a period of time forall employees in an organization, based on the Rembursementinfotype (0896).

In the Period group box, define the period for which you want torun the report.
In the Selection group box, enter the information about theemployee for whom you want to generate the report.
In the ADSE group box, enter information about the receipt andprotocol (report).
The report groups the expenses by receipt type. There are three types ofreceipt:

  • Type A - Receipts with only one paper sheet, and do not require any
  • other document.
    • Type B - Receipts with more than one paper sheet or that need approving
    • documents.
      • Type C - Receipts related to specific tables (spa, transportation,
      • hospitalization or abroad expenses).

        The header of the report contains the following headings: Company,Company Fiscal Number, Number of Protocol, Date of Protocol, and ReceiptType (A, B or C).
        The body of the report contains columns for a sequential number, ADSEbeneficiary number (NUB), ADSE beneficiary full name, and health expensereceipt amount.
        For each receipt, the report shows a sequential number, the number andfull name of the ADSE beneficiary, and the receipt amount.