Description For a complete documentation concerning this program, see SAP note no.731248. This program enables you to calculate data for the annual tax-returnnamed 770 (simplified form). The system creates a file whose record Gcontains sections A, B, C, and D of form 770/2004. This data must be filed - directly or through a withholding agent - on acomputer file within 30th June 2004. The part of form 770/2004 processed by the SAP program is named"Notification of data on subordinate employment statements, assimilateddata, and fiscal assistance". The main peculiarities and/or changes> of form 770 for the year2004 are listed below.Integration CUD/770 through TemSe file In the simplified version of form 770/2004 there is a 1:1 correspondencewith many of the boxes of form CUD/2004. This allows a simplerprocessing of form 770 through an automatic import of many data fromform CUD. Roundings / Truncations: The customization work is limited, as the law has already establishedhow roundings and truncations must be managed, and these areautomatically calculated by the program. Precondition When it is possible, data is read by the clusters (clusters are "frozen"views of past events, and they can be used only when the conditions havebeen matched). This means that all clusters RI (payroll) and allclusters B2 (time management) for the selected period must be productiveclusters, i. e. clusters containing actual data. The changes made in themaster record at infotype level without carrying out payroll accountingfor the period in question again will not be recorded in the cluster andwill not be taken into account by the program. This is a SAP standard program, and it "works" considering also the restof the functionality as SAP standard. Changes of SAP standardfunctionality that may affect (and interfere with) the program are notcarried out under SAP responsibility. In order to use program RPC770I0, the following preconditions>must be met:
- the entire year 2003 has been calculated for payroll with the SAP system
, and there are consistent results in the clusters (RI/B2/PC); clustersRI/B2/PC have not been changed outside the payroll program run;
- the master data has not been changed without running the corresponding
program for payroll accounting again (for instance infotypes 0154, 0156,0160);
- the program has been run by using the same currency established in
cluster RI (payroll results); if this is not the case, the error due torounding off could be considerable (see also the part concerningroundings / truncations in this documentation);