Programme SAP RPC770I0 - Report for processing form 770 2007

For a complete documentation concerning this program, see SAP note no.731248.
This program enables you to calculate data for the annual tax-returnnamed 770 (simplified form). The system creates a file whose record Gcontains sections A, B, C, and D of form 770/2004.
This data must be filed - directly or through a withholding agent - on acomputer file within 30th June 2004.
The part of form 770/2004 processed by the SAP program is named"Notification of data on subordinate employment statements, assimilateddata, and fiscal assistance".
The main peculiarities and/or changes of form 770 for the year2004 are listed below.

Integration CUD/770 through TemSe file
In the simplified version of form 770/2004 there is a 1:1 correspondencewith many of the boxes of form CUD/2004. This allows a simplerprocessing of form 770 through an automatic import of many data fromform CUD.

Roundings / Truncations:
The customization work is limited, as the law has already establishedhow roundings and truncations must be managed, and these areautomatically calculated by the program.

When it is possible, data is read by the clusters (clusters are "frozen"views of past events, and they can be used only when the conditions havebeen matched). This means that all clusters RI (payroll) and allclusters B2 (time management) for the selected period must be productiveclusters, i. e. clusters containing actual data. The changes made in themaster record at infotype level without carrying out payroll accountingfor the period in question again will not be recorded in the cluster andwill not be taken into account by the program.
This is a SAP standard program, and it "works" considering also the restof the functionality as SAP standard. Changes of SAP standardfunctionality that may affect (and interfere with) the program are notcarried out under SAP responsibility.
In order to use program RPC770I0, the following preconditionsmust be met:

  • the entire year 2003 has been calculated for payroll with the SAP system

  • , and there are consistent results in the clusters (RI/B2/PC); clustersRI/B2/PC have not been changed outside the payroll program run;
    • the master data has not been changed without running the corresponding
    • program for payroll accounting again (for instance infotypes 0154, 0156,0160);
      • the program has been run by using the same currency established in
      • cluster RI (payroll results); if this is not the case, the error due torounding off could be considerable (see also the part concerningroundings / truncations in this documentation);
        • the ministerial regulations to be provided to the employee are NOT
        • included in this program (print) as they are the same for each employee;
          • if the deferred month procedure is used, the same remarks made for
          • program RPCFUDI0 are valid; see the corresponding documentation.

            Program RPC770I0 run
            The program selection screen enables you to select different dates /periods that must be interpreted as follows:

            • person selection period: all Personnel Numbers are selected within the
            • chosen period; the entry is made according to the period for resultsreading (PNP);
              • period (e.g.: today, other period...): it is the selection period for
              • master data from various infotypes; if, for instance, there should bemany records 2, the system would display only those valid for theselected period;
                • company master data: the system reads all cluster results for the
                • selected period;
                  • customizing selection date: this date is used to read the view cluster
                  • customization validity. The system date is proposed as standard. Thedate entered, in any case, must be included in the interval between thetwo dates specified on the view cluster. If this further possibility forcustomization data management (for instance the so-called "fractions")is not relevant, it is not necessary to process this date. As aconsequence, there are no time limits in customization in the program.

                    The "Interface" pushbutton enables you to display / activate theinterfaces included in the system and required to enter some form databy forcing them.
                    Interfaces are used in order to enter missing data in the system or torepair specific inconsistencies or irregularities occurred during theyear.
                    Interfaces are activated by means of the corresponding pushbutton on theprogram selection screen for form 770/2004.
                    If you click on the "?" pushbutton, on the right of the list of possibleinterfaces, the system displays the structure of the file you intend touse to enter missing results or change some results already calculatedby the program.
                    There are three interface types:
                    RESET N1
                    interface linked to boxes, which enters a value in the predefined boxes;
                    interface that changes the results table; it is generated at the end ofthe program;
                    interface for records / TemSe files: the form is delivered as aministerial file, and this interface generates the file.
                    The first interface group can be used without making any change such as"CUD layout", which was necessary to integrate form CUD into form 770(the interfaces used to change CUD results can be used again).
                    The second group of interfaces is used to change calculation results onthe form: the generic interface "Change Personnel Number output", forinstance, enables you to change or add any form box, and interface "PartB: SI funds" is used to fill in all boxes referred to pension (boxes 105- 113 and 126 of the form) that cannot be calculated by the systembecause they derive from external pension funds.
                    The third interface group changes the contents of individual filerecords directly or enters missing information.
                    These interfaces affect the final phase of calculation; they areinterfaces from "Record A" to "Record Z".

                    • Record A: it contains the identification data concerning inbound
                    • delivery and the person responsible for electronic transmission. It isnot calculated by the program.
                      • Record B: it contains the tax payer's master data and other data of the
                      • basic form. It is not calculated by the program.
                        • Record E: record concerning statement ST. It is not calculated by the
                        • program.
                          • Record F: record concerning statement SX. It is not calculated by the
                          • program.
                            • Record G: record concerning the notifications of dates for subordinate
                            • employment statements, assimilated data and fiscal assistance. It iscalculated by the program.
                              • Record H: record concerning notifications of data of non-subordinate
                              • employment statements, commissions and miscellaneous income. It iscalculated by the SAP FI report and it can be integrated through theinterface. This record must be entered with the ministerial structure,as it is provided by the FI report.
                                • Record Z: inbound delivery final record containing some data. It is
                                • calculated by the program.
                                  It is important to point out that this third interface category has ahigher priority than the one of the form layout interfaces; these, inturn, have a higher priority than the box interfaces. The CUD interfaceis on the lowest level. This means that changes at the "highest" leveloverwrite what is stored at lower level. Changes at record leveloverwrite all other levels.
                                  By activating the pushbuttons of section "Results" on theselection screen, it is possible to choose the part(s) of the form forwhich you want to display the results. In a test run, for instance, itis not always necessary to have all calculation results. Part A(employee master record) is not included among the various optionsbecause it is always displayed (otherwise no master information on theemployee would be displayed).

                                  CUD/770 integration
                                  The programs of the two forms share the following parts:

                                  • program indicator;

                                  • customization;

                                  • forcings from external file;

                                  • user exit implementation;

                                  • the error log transferred from form CUD to form 770.

                                  • The preconditions for the integration of the two forms are:
                                    • CUD/2004 has been implemented correctly;

                                    • the CUD/2004 version is the one enabling you to save results on a file.
                                    • Integration method:
                                      There are two methods to integrate CUD data into form 770:
                                      RESET N1
                                      Enter a TemSe file into the selection screen for form 770 containing theresults processed by program CUD/2004. To do this, it is necessary:
                                      to carry out CUD/2004;
                                      to check the TemSe file generated by the program either by running theItalian TemSe file display report or by making a search through F4 Helpin the selection screen of form 770, field "CUD/2004 integration file"(CUD results filter);
                                      enter the file generated in form 770 selection screen;
                                      carry out form 770.
                                      In case of inconsistencies between the file with CUD/2004 results andthe selection carried out in form 770, the program can respond in twodifferent ways:

                                      • if the CUD file contains results for Personnel Numbers that are not
                                      • included in report 770 selection, these are automatically deleted fromthe file;
                                        • if some results for Personnel Numbers entered in the selection of form
                                        • 770 are missing in the CUD file, the corresponding error message will bedisplayed.
                                          Automatic run of program CUD/2004 within program 770/2004. To do this,it is necessary:
                                          to import CUD/2004 last version;
                                          to enter possible CUD forcings into form 770 interface;
                                          to run the program for form 770 without entering files in form 770selection screen; in this way the program carries out form CUD again,and no data consistency check is required, as there is only one run forboth forms.
                                          The first interface (CUD layout) is the same as the one found in formCUD. Enter relevant data.
                                          If no input file is provided, the program calculates form CUD, extractsits results and switches to form 770/2004 calculation.

                                          User Exits
                                          The user exit is a part of a customer solution entered into a SAPstandard solution (for instance a part of the customer ABAP indicatorentered into a SAP standard routine).
                                          The customer is fully responsible for his/her "supplements" to thestandard indicator. SAP AG is responsible neither for the creation/useof external data nor for incorrect results due to the standard use ofexternal data.
                                          The various user exits available for form 770/2004 are described in note731248. It is recommended to read the documentation concerning the userexits in the note as well as the one concerning transactions SMOD andCMOD, which are used to activate the user exits. In order to display thedocumentation on user exits, call the transaction (for instance CMOD)and, in the menu, Help -> Application help.

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