Programme SAP RPC224K2 - Convert IT0224 CMA codes (at/below 4.6C) to IT77 format (at 4.70 & up)

This report converts Census Metropolitan Area (CMA) codes that werestored in the Canadian Taxation infotype (0224) (at Release 4.6Cor below) for storage in the Additional Personal Data infotype(0077) in this release.

This report features two conversion modes, namely:

  • Test run and

  • Production run

  • Choosing Test run before executing the report means that no
    CMA codes will be converted for storage in the AdditionalPersonal Data infotype (0077).
    Choosing Production run before executing the report means thatCMA codes will be converted for storage in the AdditionalPersonal Data infotype (0077).

    Do not execute this report unless you are upgrading to this release fromRelease 4.6C or below. Also, do not execute this report unless you haveCanadian Taxation infotype (0224) records from Release 4.6C orbelow whose CMA codes require conversion for use in this release.
    Furthermore, we recommend that you create a backup TemSe file beforeexecuting the report in Production run mode. This precaution willallow you to restore any original Additional Personal Datainfotype (0077) records IT0077 records that the conversion process mayinadvertently delete.

    In addition to standard selection criteria, the report features the twoconversion modes described above.

    No standard variants of this report are available.

    Specify the desired personnel range along with the conversion mode thatyou wish to perform, then execute the report.