Programme SAP RPASR_GENERIC_SERVICE_INFO - Display Information About Generic Services

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You can use this program to display information about GenericServices. You obtain an overview of the supported operations, thefields used, and the specific field properties.

You have defined Generic Services using the IMG activityDefine Generic Services for Form Scenariosso you can use them in your form scenarios.

Specify the name of the Generic Service on which you want toobtain information. Use the value help to display a list of the existingGeneric Services.

In the Operation column, the output displays all operationssupported by the Generic Service. You can use these operations in formscenarios. If you use the operation in a form scenario, you must link aform field of your form scenario to each parameter of the operation.Note that the form fields linked to theparameters of the operation must be type compatible.
In the Field Name column, the fields of the Generic Serviceappear.
In the Data Element column, the name of the data element usedappears for each field. The data element categorizes the field.
The Supports Value Help column contains an indicator for eachfield indicating whether the field has a value help in principle.Whether the value help is actually available at runtime depends on theimplementation in the Generic Service.
The Supports Default Value column contains an indicator for eachfield indicating whether the field supports the initialization with adefault value.
The column Fields Required for Default Value shows all fieldsrequired to determine the default value for the field specified in theField Name column. The fields required for the default value mustbe assigned to the same field group as the field specified in theField Name column.
The column Fields Required for Value Help shows all fieldsrequired to determine the value help for the field specified in theField Name column. The fields required for the value help must beassigned to the same field group as the field specified in the FieldName column.
You create fields groups in Customizing for HR AdministrativeServices under Form/Process Configuration -> Form Configuration
-> Process Form Scenario for GenericServices.