Programme SAP RPASR_DAB_HISTORY - Deletion of History Data for New Employee Data Maintenance in Portal

You can use this report to delete all history data that was created bythe system for the employee data maintenance in thePortal whenever an infotype record is changed and that is older thana specified date or period.


You use the new employee data maintenance in the Portal

The report enables you to delete all saved history data that is olderthan a specified date or period. You can start the report in the testmode .

You have the following input options on the selection screen:

  • In the Number of Days field, you specify that all history
  • data is to be deleted that is older than the specified number of days.
    • In the Key Date field, you specify that all history data
    • is to be deleted that is older than the specified key date.
      • In the Delete field, you specify whether the history data
      • is really to be deleted.
        The values in the Number of Days and Key Date
        fields are recalculated each time data is entered in the otherfield.

        In this report, default values are already entered in some fields on theselection screen. The system defaults the following selections:

        • In the Number of Days field, the number is usually set to
        • the value 30.
          • In the Key Date field, the date is set to the current date
          • minus 30 days (the number of days in the Numbers of Daysfield).
            • The Delete field is not set as a default.
            • Output
              In the result list, the values entered on the selection screen aredisplayed. The following information is also listed:

              • Total number of history data records before deletion

              • Number of history data records to be deleted or already deleted

              • Number of remaining history data records
              • Activities
                [ACTIVITIES] ???

                [EXAMPLES] ???