Programme SAP RPASRADMIN_WORKBENCH - HR Administrative Services: Administrator's Workbench

You use this report for the following purposes:

  • Deletion of objects that are linked with a withdrawn process
  • instance
    If a process instance was withdrawn during the process execution, youcan delete the following objects that are linked with the processinstance:
    Data container
    Collision container
    Attachments that were uploaded during the process execution
    Notes that were entered during the process
    Once you have deleted the objects, they no longer exist in the database.Therefore, you can no longer display the objects using the transactionSCASE for Case Management or retrieve the objects using functionsof the process object.
    It is only possible to delete the aforementioned objects for processinstances with the status WITHDRAWN.
    • Deleting Process Instances

    • You can delete work items and process instances. After you delete theobjects they are no longer available in the database. Therefore you canno longer use the Case Management transaction SCASE to displaythe objects and cannot restore them using the process object functions.
      • Overview of postings already made to the application database

      • If a process instance is withdrawn after data was already saved to theapplication database (in the infotypes, for example), the administratormust undo the data changes manually. You can use the report to obtaininformation about the data changes made by the process. You can then usethis information to undo the data changes.

        The following selection criteria are available:

        • Process Reference Number

        • The process reference number uniquely identifies the process instance.You can use Customizing to specify whether a process reference number isto be created for a process instance.
          • Process

          • Enter the name of the process. Use the search help to select a processconfigured in the system.
            • Process Initiator

            • Enter the SAP user name of the person who started the process instance.
              • Initiator Role

              • Enter the initiator role of the person who started the process instance.
                • Personnel Number

                • Enter the personnel number of the employee affected by the process.
                  • Process Status

                  • The status of the process instance, such as WITHDRAWN, COMPLETED, and soon. A search help is available for the selection of the status.
                    • Start Date

                    • Enter the date on which the process instance was started.

                      The report creates a list of process instances in accordance with theselection criteria. Once you have selected an entry, you can execute oneof the following functions through the menu bar:

                      • Deletion of All Data Containers

                      • You can use this function to delete all data containers that are linkedwith the process instance. You can delete the objects only if theprocess instance has the status WITHDRAWN. The system then displays aresults log.
                        • Deletion of All Attachments

                        • You can use this function to delete all attachments that are linked withthe process instance. You can delete the objects only if the processinstance has the status WITHDRAWN. The system then displays a resultslog.
                          • Deletion of All Notes

                          • You can use this function to delete all notes that were entered duringthe process execution. You can delete the objects only if the processinstance has the status WITHDRAWN. The system then displays a resultslog.
                            • Deletion of All Collision Containers

                            • You can use this function to delete all collision containers that arelinked with the process instance. You can delete the objects only if theprocess instance has the status WITHDRAWN. The system then displays aresults log.
                              • Deletion of Process Instances

                              • You can use this function to delete process instances and the work items

                              • that are linked to the process instances. The system then displays aresults log.
                                • Summary of Update of Application Data

                                • You can use this function to obtain an overview of the application datathat was already updated for a process. If updates were made to theapplication database during the process, the system opens the list ofsavepoints within the process once you have executed the function. Youselect savepoints and then choose Display Overview in themenu bar.
                                  The system displays a list with information about the update to theapplication database.
                                  The system displays the Before Image and the After Imagefor each table field that was affected at the selected savepoint.
                                  You can switch between the Concise View display and the FullView display. The Full View shows all table fields and the values ofthe table entries involved. The Concise View only shows the key fieldsand the fields in which the values were changed.